Volume I: XXV

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Anne was delusional. "I am not going to give myself to Sebastian," I seethed.

Anne shrugged her shoulders and got up from the table. "Suit yourself, but just remember what he did to Solomon when he didn't get his way. I am going to meet with Professor Sharp today to catch up on my studies." She looked pleased with herself as she skipped away.

Some days I thought Sebastian was insane, but Anne took the cake. What a loon.

As soon as she left, Ominis reappeared. Thank Merlin he was here. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders.

"I am so glad you came back. How was it? Did they hurt you?" I asked as my words ran together. I grabbed the sides of his cloak and looked him up and down.

Ominis laughed as he said softly, "I'm fine, darling," he brought his hands to my waist and pulled me close to him. I felt a warm sensation as he kissed the top of my head.

I debated on whether I was going to tell him about Anne's nonsense. As I was pondering, Ominis placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up toward him. His lips pressed against mine. I never grew tired of that.

"We are leaving for Azkaban tonight," Ominis whispered, "To be honest, I'm fairly nervous. We have not the slightest idea of how Sebastian will react to us together." His brow furrowed as his face looked toward the floor.

I stepped back as I admitted, "About that," I paused. I did not want him to believe any of this was my idea, "Anne thinks it may be best not to tell him." I could feel my stomach twisting in knots.

Ominis did not move. He closed his eyes gently and took small breaths in and out. He mumbled to himself, "Even in Azkaban, he is still having someone else do his bidding."

He spoke directly to me, "Anne is conniving. It's why she was put in the Slytherin House. Be careful with the information she presents to you. I am going to prepare for tonight," he warned.

Interesting. He always believed her to be sweet; but now that she was advocating for her brother, Ominis harbored a different opinion. He began walking further into the castle.

Anne returned just as Ominis passed her in the hallway. She touched the sleeve of his robe. She was entirely too giddy for my liking.

She smiled at me and extended her hand, "Come on. Let's have some girl time before tonight." I reluctantly took her palm in mine, and we apparated to the Slytherin Common Room.

The stone floor echoed underneath us as the constant dripping of the fountains ensued. She pulled my arm hard as she led me to her dorm.

Once inside she shut the door. She squealed, "I always wanted a sister! Imelda was always close with me, but she never visited me when I got sick." The corners of her mouth turned down to form a frown.

She lightened up as soon as her eyes met mine once again. She continued, "But you. You are perfect." Anne took a wet handkerchief from her vanity and gently wiped my face.

She picked up one of her combs. The prongs were delicate, and the handle seemed to be made of gold. There was a mermaid etched into the metal.

Anne began brushing my hair with it, "This was gifted to me by Nerida. Her obsession with the sea is nonsensical. One day, she plans to be an ambassador for the merpeople, but we'll just have to see about that." She smiled to herself as she kept moving to comb through my hair.

Once Anne seemed satisfied with her work, she pulled her wand from her pocket. She pointed it toward one of the candles and said, "Confringo."

She took one of my locks in her hand and began twisting it around her wand. Anne said quietly, "I used to watch my mother do this when my father planned to take her somewhere nice." She let my hair fall, and a ringlet appeared.

Anne continued the process as she spoke fondly, "I had hoped that one day I would be able to do this for someone who fancied me. But life has not been so kind." She gestured to herself as if she were not enough.

I looked at her through the mirror and argued, "Anne. You are beautiful. I don't think you need to worry about finding someone right now. It will happen when it happens." I had hoped my words were comforting, but it was hard when you were not experiencing it yourself.

She set her wand and comb down and fluffed my hair as she said, "Says the girl that was able to tempt two of the most sought after Slytherin men." Anne rolled her eyes, and she reached down to her vanity. She pulled out an array of vials and jars from the center drawer.

Anne grabbed a brush and dipped it into the translucent powder on the table. She brought it close to me and said, "Hold your breath," as she started dabbing the brush across my face.

I thankfully listened and did not inhale any powder. She continued this process with a multitude of colors. At last, she said, "Look up toward the ceiling," as she moved the smallest brush I had ever seen toward my eye.

She combed it gently across my lashes. It covered my vision and reminded me of the hairy spiders I always encountered in the Forbidden Forest.

Anne stepped away and admired her work. She concluded, "There. You're finished." She handed me a mirror, and I looked at my reflection. It felt as if I were seeing myself for the very first time.

The curls on my head framed my face in a way I had never seen. My cheeks were pink but not from cold weather. My lashes were long and black while my eyelids were a sort of brown hue. The color of my lips reminded me of Ominis.' His always seemed to resemble satin. Anne was right. I was perfect.

"We should go. Azkaban awaits!" Anne said eagerly.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. More like, 'Sebastian awaits,' I thought to myself. Anne and I began to make our way back to Ominis.

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