Volume II: XLIX

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Marat's Point-of-View
The Garden
October 1893

Morganna emerged from the veranda and gracefully walked down the staircase leading toward the garden. She had so many qualities of mine, but she resembled her mother in this moment.

She had been so independent, and she took pride in her role for the wedding. She began plucking the flowers out of the small basket she carried and dropped champagne rose petals onto the aisle.

She smiled when she saw me and took her spot in the front row. She turned around when the music started to play the well-known canon, and her face lit up at the sight of Antoinette.

I noticed Ominis had stood up a little straighter when his wand alerted him to her presence. His thoughts were restless.

Oh, Klein had been standing at the edge of the stairway while Deek was positioned behind us. They both had concealed themselves, so that no one in the party was distracted. I could not wait until the pensieve was ready for viewing. She must be absolutely breathtaking based on how quiet the crowd has been.

Sebastian was practically in his shadow as his best man. Ominis had previously told Sebastian to describe her walking down the aisle. Sebastian's thoughts had always been tainted, and I was not sure if I even wanted to delve into them during the wedding.

Merlin, she looked beautiful. The dress hugged her so tightly, I could imagine myself peeling it off of her. The redness that permeated through her cheeks made me blush. I missed her, and I would never be able to have her again. No matter the circumstances.

Sebastian's jaw clenched, and his face appeared in pain. He leaned forward to whisper to Ominis, "Smile. She's looking right at you, blushing. Her dress appears to be made of lace as it covers her entire body. The neckline is draped around her throat, and the sleeves extend slightly past her hands. It's hard to see it from this angle, but hair is cinched back with pearls resting on her curls. I am not positive if she has makeup on; either way, she looks very natural. Like herself." His voice sounded strained. Sebastian swallowed back his tears. He coughed to recompose himself.

But at that point, Ominis had not noticed nor cared. He was tearing up and wiping his hands across his face at the thought of her. His mind flooded with images of them at a beach I had not recognized. It was the only visual memory he had of her. I felt as if I were invading his space, so I left his thoughts as they were.

Weddings were too slow for my liking. She had not even approached the chairs yet. She was still further back by the staircase. Kassia's thoughts were rather loud today. Perhaps it was the occasion.

I should have pinned that last piece back. She appears so lovely in her gown, and I truly hope that Ominis is able to see everything we had planned for him. Merlin, I still need to prepare their home when we leave. Maybe Marat will show up with Morganna and Marvolo. Now, that would be such a treat!

I shook my head in response to her thoughts. I could never leave Xilia's side. Unfortunately, I was the patriarch of the manor now. Even if I wanted to go, it would never be fair to anyone involved.

Strangely enough, Aesop had his hands intertwined with Kassia's. I entered his thoughts out of curiosity and immediately left. My body visibly shuddered at the images. I had not needed to ever see him and Kassia intimate. I inhaled deeply to attempt to forget whatever I saw.

Antoinette had finally made her way to the end of the rows of chairs. Sebastian continued to describe the scene to Ominis. "Her hands have some scales that are scattered about her skin. The bouquet has a mixture of champagne roses, white peonies, and orchids. Some filler flowers are present, as well. She looks gorgeous, and her eyes are still fixated on you. As always." Between sentences, his voice broke. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at the idea.

"Sebastian. Don't make me regret choosing you as my best man. You're actually being the worst man right now." Ominis' voice was tense, but he relaxed as she drew closer to him.

Antoinette gripped her skirt in her hands and carefully walked up the steps. Morganna ambled up behind her and took hold of the train to lay it flat against the ground. When she was finished, she quickly returned to her seat to watch.

Xilia rose from the front row and glided up the stairs. She stood between them and moved slightly back to keep them in full view of the crowd.

She spoke quietly, "We are gathered here today to join this wizard and witch in matrimony." Xilia eyed the two, and returned to her script.

"Antoinette had bravely undergone the blood purification over the last month. Ominis' blood had taken to her system, and she now has the means to truly be a Gaunt." Her voice was more intrigued at those words. At least she had been interested in my writing. I smiled to myself as she attempted to read ahead.

A few people clapped, and she gave them a look of death. She continued, "Ominis Florian Gaunt, do you take this witch to be your wife where you will love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Xilia's face scrunched in disgust at my wording. I figured she would appreciate the traditional ceremonial vows.

Ominis had reached for the girl's palms. Her thumbs rubbed against the outer portion of his hands. His voice was soft while his eyes became more hazed, "I do."

Xilia sighed quite loudly and moved onto the next verse, "Antoinette Madeleine Delacour, do you take this wizard to be your husband where you will love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Antoinette's voice was that of pure bliss. Her eyes crinkled at the sight of Ominis, and she looked eagerly at Xilia to complete the rest of the ceremony.

"Repeat after me, Ominis." She looked in his direction, and she began reciting, "I, Ominis Gaunt, take you, Antoinette Delacour, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death to us part?" She had paused occasionally, so that Ominis could echo her words. He was elated to do so, and Antoinette completed her set of vows in the same manner.

"Marvolo, little one, come here." Xilia lifted her chin and looked down at my son.

He teetered up the stairs quite clumsily but thankfully didn't drop the rings.

He had not spoken, but he handed her the small pillow with the rings attached to it. Kassia had chosen the wedding band for Antoinette, and I had given Ominis my ring that father had gifted me when I received my magic. The Gaunt family ring would suit him.

"You may now secure the rings on each others' fingers." Xilia stepped back to give them space. Ominis added onto her already adorned piece, and she slid the Gaunt heirloom onto his finger.

"By virtue of authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Xilia hesitated before allowing the last portion of the vows, "You may now kiss the bride."

Ominis was gentle with her. He grabbed her cheeks in his palms and kissed her fondly. He pulled away to not entice the crowd. His voice was low, but I could hear it as he told her, "I long for you."

I could see Sebastian frowning just behind him. I was sure that was going to look good in the moving pictures and Ominis' pensieve memory.

Ominis placed his hand around Antoinette's, and they followed the aisle back up to the veranda. He turned into her cheek and kissed the space right above. He lingered by her temple when he confessed to her, "I love you."

I supposed we had to be ready for the reception to commence. I breathed heavily at the thought and followed the rest of the guests inside.

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