Volume II: LX*

298 13 2

Kassia's Point-of-View
Mykonos, Greece
February 1894

My head was pounding from jumping between countries. Apparition was perhaps my least favorite form of travel. Some of the distances between the locations were shorter, but it was an intense rush each time.

I looked around to see the familiar city. It was barely dusk, but all of the white little buildings had golden lights emitting from their windows. The moon was just a sliver in the sky, and the water beside us was still.

My eyes caught the glimpse of where I placed Ominis and Antoinette's home. It was much larger than the other houses that appeared as mere specks in the distance.

I had hoped they would enjoy the view and my attempt at interior decorating. I chuckled to myself at the thought.

I wanted him to at least let me know that it was up to his standards, but Ominis had only sent an owl saying we would all reunite before she and I left for our auror training.

Aesop practically forced Elladora to approve all of the paperwork. He threatened her with blackmail and said he would expose her and Dinah's relationship, which was a direct conflict with their positions at the Ministry.

He said he made the executive decision to list me as Antoinette's mentor. Not that she needed it. I was positive she had more adept abilities than myself.

Aesop had been sitting down in the sand to rest, looking up at me. Once he caught my attention, he gingerly pat the ground beside him.

I knelt down and sat cross-legged, slightly sinking in the sand. I rubbed my hand against his thigh and met his gaze.

His head was lowered just enough for the white of his eyes to show above his bottom eyelid, and the sun lit up his irises. They had barely been present while his pupils were massive. My heart leapt at his stare. I swallowed and clenched my jaw to recompose myself, or at least try to.

He took my palm in his and rubbed the skin over my knuckles.

Aesop's voice was gruff and winded when he reminded me, "I haven't been to your old flat in years, Kassie. Can you take me to there? I'll need to rest." I watched as his face appeared more innocent with his eyebrows raising just enough to widen his eyes. The faintest smile drew itself across his lips.

I knew what he was doing.

I kept his hand in mine and channeled the last of my energy to transport us to the small apartment I lived in for the majority of my young adulthood.

We hadn't stayed here before the wedding; I decided to rent a hotel instead. I hadn't wanted to be reminded of when he had left.

I flicked my wand around at the candles in the room and pressed my hands into the concrete floor to stand. I offered my hand to Aesop, and he conjured his cane. He gripped my hand in his and used his cane to bear the rest of his weight.

He smiled wider at me as he stood, but his limp appeared more noticeable when he ambled over to the bed. The guilt washed over me again.

Aesop slipped his boots and overcoat off onto the floor. He looked down at the rest of his attire, and Aesop gripped his wand. He waved it over his entire body to banish the clothes from him.

His scales were almost the same color as his flesh now, and I was grateful for that. Before, he had to explain the pattern as a skin condition to hide the underlying connotation. 

He was so confident sitting at the edge of the bed when he gestured toward my hips. I knew he hadn't, but his gaze made him seem as if he dosed himself with Amortentia.

I mimicked his wand movement and removed my own dress. I approached him skittishly. It felt like before. Except this time we would make love. He had always been so reserved, and he wanted to wait until his blood had purified.

His calloused hands wrapped around my backside. The pull from his fingertips jolted me forward.

He softly pressed his lips against my core and shifted his hands under my thighs. In one swift movement, he had pulled me onto his lap.

My hands cradled his scruffy beard. I didn't move in his grasp for several seconds as I memorized every part of his face. I had wished I could take the scar I gave him away.

I fanned my thumbs against his cheeks, and the scales surrounding his skin fluttered under my touch.

Aesop moved forward just enough to brush our lips together, and that was the push I needed. I wanted him. His touch. His—

I kissed him eagerly. Everywhere. Anywhere I could manage.

I felt a warmth growing between my legs, but I hadn't been just me. Beneath my thighs, Aesop's cock hardened.

I gasped at the feeling and curved his dick in my hand. I guided him inside me and wrapped my legs around his waist.

My hand trailed behind his neck while my other hand pressed against the mattress for leverage. Aesop's hand rested under me as he thrust into me. The first time, he had been more gentle, but this was rougher.

The feeling built on itself. His groaning in my ear, the feeling of him inside me. My own moans escaping me in response to his touch. I wanted him. I wanted this.

His pace quickened, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and shifted me at a higher angle. I let out a scream at the position change. His dick was so deep in me that I could barely breathe.

"Kassia." His voice was like fire in my ear while his words morphed into moaning. I pulled away to see his face.

His head had tilted backward while his eyes were closed. There was sweat glistening over his entire body, and his wavy hair had been dripping beads of salt onto my skin. His mouth was slightly agape when I touched his cheeks with my fingertips. He was so vulnerable. And I loved him. He was mine.

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