Volume I: XLV

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"What are you looking at?" Sebastian's eyes looked puzzled as he watched me closely.

I had to interrogate him to ensure the spell worked.

"Do you recall anything to do with the clock tower?" I prodded. I stared at him intently to ensure his reaction was genuine.

"We used to go there for Crossed Wand duels," Sebastian's expression was unwavering.

"Who does The Undercroft remind you of?" I pressed further.

"Anne and Ominis." Sebastian raised an eyebrow at me and cocked his head to one side. I was sure he didn't understand why I was quizzing him in this moment.

"Alright. Two more questions. What do you think when you hear the word Azkaban?"

Sebastian hesitated slightly. He was trying to remember the façade I planted in his head. My plan seemed to have worked ingeniously.

"I mostly think of Anne. I feel sorry for her, but she committed many wrongdoings. She had killed Solomon. And I think of my time there when I was falsely accused. It seems blurry, but I remember going there." Sebastian repeated some of the distorted memories I had placed.

Ominis raised an eyebrow at me. It didn't matter what he thought. Sebastian deserved innocence. He deserved peace. Anne could take the blame for everything he was attempting to do to save her.

I just needed to verify one more detail, and we were set.

"And who was the auror that released you from Azkaban?" I stood directly in front of him, with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Professor Sharp. But you were there, too. I cannot quite recall the reason why." Sebastian's head bowed while he put his hand to his chin. He stroked it gently as if it were going to help him remember.

"Perfect!" I clasped my hands together.

Ominis smiled at us both, "I think this calls for some Butterbeer." I laughed to myself and thought Firewhisky might be the better option. I shook my head and joined them to walk into the heart of Hogsmeade.

We entered The Three Broomsticks, and I prayed silently to myself that Sirona was nowhere in sight.

Professor Sharp, Anne, and Sirona were the only ones who knew the extent of my previous relationship with Sebastian.

We sat down at one of the tables, and Ominis scooted his chair as closely as he could next to mine. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the corner of my mouth. He pulled me onto his lap.

Sebastian leaned back and placed his hands over his eyes. "I'm famished and parched, but the two of you together might make me lose my appetite." He mimicked a gagging pose.

Ominis laughed and calmly said, "Well you best get used to it, you moonmind. I cannot imagine my life without her." He took my chin in his hand and pulled me into a soft kiss. He breathed against the scar on my cheek, "I have a surprise for you later." I giggled against his skin.

Sebastian proceeded to make retching noises. I moved back to my own chair to appease him. I wondered if what he had said was true. That Sebastian's feelings would transcend the spell. I furrowed my brows at the thought.

"While you two were away, I received an owl from Professor Sharp." Ominis grasped two letters in his hands. He handed us each a letter and waited patiently for us to open them.

It felt like Christmas morning. I took my wand and sliced the top open to pull out a heavy piece of parchment. Mine read:


I know you and Sebastian were close. I have put the pieces together and assumed you Obliviated him. I am sorry for your loss.

However, an opportunity presented itself to me, and you both were the first people that came to mind. Two auror positions are open at the Ministry.

I gave them my full recommendation, and they are willing to skip out on the interview process to have you and Sebastian here. Please write to me if you both are interested.

Warm Regards,
Aesop Sharp

I could not believe it. An auror position at The Ministry? Professor Fig would be so proud. I walked up to the counter to grab parchment but saw Sirona instead.

I cleared my throat. "Um. Is it possible for me to use some parchment?" I was apprehensive. I worried that she would pry. My face was red and becoming hotter by the moment.

"Of course," Sirona obliged. She handed it to me, but she didn't release her grasp immediately. She eyed me suspiciously. "I don't know how you did it, but you saved him, sweetheart." She let go and watched me carefully as I walked back to the table.

Sebastian's eyes met mine as I sat down. "Isn't this exciting? We get to be thick as thieves in the Ministry together." There was a small glint in his eye from the thought.

I looked toward Ominis. He would have given me the letter if he approved of the arrangement or not. "Ominis. This is the occupation of a lifetime. Would you fully support me if I accepted?"

Sebastian loudly chuckled, "At least I don't need to ask for a blessing." I rolled my eyes at him.

Ominis' hands were pressed together on top of the table. I could see his knuckles turning white before he set them in his lap.

"You know that I would want you to follow your dreams," he took my hand in his and squeezed it. He brought it up to his lips and pressed them against my skin.

I longed for him to look at me. I dropped his hand gently and began writing:


Sebastian and I are writing to accept the offer you proposed. Thank you so much for the recommendation. Please write with further instruction. We look forward to your response.

All the best,

I signed my name and slid the paper over to Sebastian.

"Beautifully written," he commented. He winked at me while he scrawled his name below mine.

Ominis called for his owl. He placed the neatly folded letter in her beak. "Aesop Sharp," he whispered.

I looked at Sebastian while grabbing Ominis' hand, "I think Omi and I are going to retire early."

"Sounds good to me." Sebastian smiled at us both.

It was such a different dynamic, but it was necessary. I led Ominis out of the pub and back to the cottage. I wracked my brain for the possibilities of his surprise. None of them seemed feasible. I sighed as I followed him into our home.

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