Volume II: LXX*

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Kassia's Point-of-View
The Gaunt Manor
January 1896

I debated on if I should return Xilia's owl or if I should arrive in person. I settled on the latter.

The cold air whipped against my face as I trudged up the stairs. I despised having to fuss with slipping on the icy concrete.

It had been Xilia's idea to place an anti-apparition ward over the entire estate. Her fear of retaliation had grown worse since more wizarding folk discovered Iskra had become pregnant out of wedlock.

I understood her concern, but it seemed a bit much for my taste.

I shook my head thumbed my pocket for my key and unlocked the door to see the main foyer empty. Usually, Marvolo and Morganna would have been in there playing together. The other rooms had been silent, as well.

Before I was about to sit down to relax, the front door creaked open, and the entire household filtered in. Their heads and winter wear all had white specks peppered on them from the snow.

"What a pleasant surprise!" Xilia exclaimed. Ominis was right. Her new façade had seemed ill-fitting and almost eerie. I wrinkled my nose at her greeting.

"Aunt Kassia!" Morganna shrieked. She practically jumped into my grasp, and I clasped my arms around her. Every time I came to visit, she had been taller. Marvolo, too. Their childhood had nearly been over.

I rested my palm against her pale hair and brought her closer to me. Morganna may have been Marat's daughter, but she had filled a void in my life. She felt like she were mine, and I hadn't wanted her to grow up just yet.

She slid back to the ground and brought her hands to a cupped position. Her body leaned closer to me when she whispered in my ear, "Look how big Iskra's belly is already."

"I noticed. But you shan't announce such a thing." I shook my head at her declaration, and my brows drew together at her words. At least one of the children had manners.

Marvolo had been smiling suspiciously at us. His eyes squinted just enough from grinning when he burst out with, "Iskra's gotten really plump, Aunt Kassia."

I blinked a few times in shock that Marvolo would disregard Iskra's feelings and attempt his most impolite impression, but I digressed.

Marat's face turned white from embarrassment. He scolded him, "Marvolo Scorpius Gaunt. What has gotten into you? Apologize."

Marvolo put his hands against his hips and cocked his head to one side. He argued, "I'm not going to say sorry for stating something factual."

"You've clearly got your hands full, Marat." I spread my fingers across my brows to prevent the brewing headache from worsening.

"Xilia. You requested my presence for Iskra's checkup?" I laughed nervously.

I would have done anything for our interactions to revert back to normal. It weighed on me when my own blood acted a bit too much like a family. I much preferred when we hadn't spoken to each other.

It made me want to hole up in Mykonos and never apparate here again.

"Oh. Yes. I did. Follow me." She interlocked her arms with Iskra, and I meandered behind them through the corridors to her chamber.

Xilia quickly conjured an exam table and gestured for Iskra to lie down.

Once she had been comfortable, I drew my wand and waved it over her abdomen. A diagnostic charm hovered above her.

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