Volume II: XXXII

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Sebastian's Point-of-View
Uncharted Territory
October 1893

I ducked my head before I crashed into the water. "Lumos," I used some of my breath to visualize under the water. My head turned from left to right to find her. The ocean was murky, but I could make out the smallest tuft of brown hair further down in the sea.

I fought the heat building in my lungs as I dove meters down. Her olive complexion was greying before my eyes. I wound my arm around her waist and hoisted her close to me. I pulled her with me while I kicked my legs as hard as I could to resurface out of the water.

I felt lightheaded for several moments before we broke through the waves. The air filled my lungs rapidly. The feeling was similar to entering a pensieve. The jolting, the rush. I brought my wand up to my side and used the last of my strength to conjure a canoe.

"Iskra, get up!" I screamed. I shoved her body against the small boat, and I took my hands around her wrists and pulled her body over the edge. I kicked my legs as I pressed against her bottom to throw her over the trim. Her limp body made a loud thud against the floor of the canoe.

My fingers clasped against the wood, and I pressed myself upward. The soreness in my body grew when I kicked my legs over the side of the boat. I scrambled to her side. "Anapneo." I drew my wand over her throat. I waited for several moments.

Her body was still. She made no movement. I grabbed her wrist and pressed my forefingers into the space underneath her thumb. Her pulse was strong, but she hadn't been breathing. The only spell I remembered to cure breathing issues failed. I had no other choice.

I positioned myself beside her head and leaned down. I inhaled as deeply as my lungs allowed, and I locked my lips against hers. I forced the air into her lungs. And I waited.

"Iskra!" I yelled directly in her face. My hands gripped against her cheeks, and I shook her. "Wake up!" The voice escaping me was strained. I inhaled again and created a tighter seal around her mouth when I filled her lungs with my air.

I brushed my hands through her hair as she did to me last night. "Iskra. I can't do this alone. Please. Wake up." My voice broke and tears blurred my vision. I squeezed my eyes shut when I leaned over her once again. Our lips pressed softly together, and I pushed the air from my throat to hers.

Iskra stirred underneath me, and I pulled away as quickly as I could. I turned her head to the side, and she began coughing sea water up. Some blood was mixed with it, but it didn't matter. She was alive.

When she opened her eyes, there was immense redness around her irises. Her skin had a blue tinge to it while her lips were a blood red.

Her mouth was quivering when she asked, "Where are we? What happened? Why are you looking at me like you've just seen a Dementor, Sallow?"

My eyes searched hers. She hadn't even been concerned with the idea of death, and she was worried about me. I needed to get her home safely.

I grabbed her hands in mine and apparated us back to the cottage.

"You shower first," I commanded. I began undressing by the fireplace in the sitting area.

"What are you doing?" She eyed me up and down. Her eyebrow was perpetually raised at me.

"Trying to keep warm after saving your ass." I stifled a laugh while I began unbuttoning my shirt.

"Whatever, Sallow." Her voice and body were weak, but she insisted on marching up the stairs by herself, and I hurriedly removed the rest of my clothes. I decided to at least keep my briefs on just in case she chose to come back down here.

I heard the water turn on, and I decided to scour the fridge. It was filled with mainly ingredients, so I pulled out a tray of strawberries. I bit them right to the end of the stem and threw the remnants in the sink. I had wondered if Iskra was alright up there by herself.

She hadn't even shown any exhaustion. I ambled back over to the fireplace and sat on top of the stone ledge. The heat radiated against my back. I would have done anything to have a rest day tomorrow. Perhaps Iskra would feel more tired in the morning.

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