Volume II: LV

226 18 11

Iskra's Point-of-View
The Outer Hebrides, Scotland
October 1893

Sebastian had been sleeping on the couch after we apparated back from the wedding. There was no doubt in my mind that he was exhausted from the multiple stops in between the Gaunt Manor and the safehouse. It required so much energy and concentration.

While I sat at the counter, I watched him for some time before pulling out some parchment and a quill and began writing.


I had wished you hadn't needed to leave so abruptly. I now realize it was Sebastian's fault for causing all of the commotion, and I do apologize. It is my duty to keep him subdued in situations such as those.

It feels wrong of me to write this; but I enjoyed your calming presence, and I would like to see you again.

Let me know when you receive my owl.


I stood up quietly and strolled over to the owl post. I placed the sealed envelope inside the little bird's beak and waited for him to take off.

It seemed Sebastian truly had not even felt a real connection to me until he slept with me. And Marat was enthralled by me upon our brief meeting. I ran my hands through my hair to calm down and compose myself.

The noise that arose from the owl flapping its wings out the window woke Sebastian from his slumber.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" Sebastian's voice was groggy while he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake up.

"I couldn't sleep." My tone was callous as it had been when we first met.

I ambled over to the couch he had been sleeping on and gestured for him to move over. I climbed onto the sofa next to him, and I leaned into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me, and my body felt like a stone statue in his arms. His touch was foreign to me in that moment.

I pushed his clasped forearms away from me, and I made myself as small as possible when I sat across from him. "Sebastian. I want it to so badly be you, but you treat me like an option. It is as if you would drop everything, even me, if she were to need something," I hesitated before I added, "Or someone."

"Iskra. You're the one who had ignored me for the first three weeks we were here. Don't you dare act like I'm the problem." His brows drew together, and he puffed his chest out while defending himself.

"But you are!" I screamed at him. I could feel my breath and face getting hotter with each second.

Sebastian's voice was quieter after I yelled at him. "You're the one who advised me to keep the memories. You should have just Obliviated them."

At this point, he had stood up and was facing me in the middle of the living area. He had his hands tied behind his back while he looked at the ground in defeat.

"What if I replaced them?" I gave him another option. I loved Sebastian. He may have been manipulative, but I held this tendencies, as well.

He could be protective and immensely caring toward me, and I was so fortunate to be with him. I just needed him to forget her. No matter the cost.

"With what?" Sebastian appeared apprehensive.

"Just trust me. Let me try this." I suggested. I had not known how he would take the offer if I let him in on it before it occurred.

Sebastian crossed his arms in front of his chest when he put his legs shoulder-width apart. His voice was uncertain, but I knew he was willing to try anything, "Fine. I will let you experiment on me."

I settled in my stance as well and aimed my wand at him. I began pulling the intimate memories of the two out into the air. I flinched at the sight of some of them. But I had a feeling this would work. I replaced Antoinette's body with mine in every memory.

When I finished altering his thoughts, Sebastian fell backward into the wall. He grabbed against his forehead as if he were in pain. I kept my voice low to prevent any overstimulation and asked, "How do you feel, Sallow?"

As soon as he heard his name, Sebastian's head shot up abruptly. His pupils dilated twice their normal size, and he smiled at the sight of me.

"Iskra." That was all he said.

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