Volume I: VI

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Sebastian could not honestly think that I was able to figure this puzzle out. I have done a few since my time at Hogwarts, but I have never completed one without any hints.

I set the book down on one of the tables in the Room. I plopped myself down on the plush couch and kicked my feet up. Might as well take a quick break—

A loud slap broke out, and the pages of the book started to rustle.

I shot up from the couch and ran over to the mysterious noise.

It had opened itself straight down the center of the book, and ancient magic started pooling on the pages. Lettering arose from the dusty paper.

To invoke the incantation,
That one is seeking,
In hopes to heal a condition,
One must go foraging,
For the dark apparition,
Whose purpose is soul killing.

Well, at least I had my riddle. Staring at the page, I felt in over my head. I realized I might have actually needed help. I left the Room of Requirement and made my way to the Slytherin Common Room. Sometimes Ominis could be found there, and I thought he might have answers.

As I approached the invisible door, the all encompassing snakeskin crept slowly up the wall to form an archway. Ominis stepped out.

At first, he looked in my direction with disappointment, but that never lasted long. His eyes squinted and he gave a crooked smile.

He said softly, "You know you and Sebastian are the only two I could never be upset with for long."

I smiled at him. "Well that's great, Ominis," I laughed. "Because we have some news from Sebastian," I added, worried that he might not be up for antics after what we had put him through.

He looked up toward the sky as if it were going to give him answers. Where in Merlin's name could he have been looking? He shook his head slightly and straightened himself up. He gestured for me to lead the way. I knew he could sense my smile.

We ambled over the Undercroft. It never seemed safe to speak about such things in public. The door to the hideaway whizzed, and I pulled the book from my cloak.

I set it out in front of us, and it revealed itself once again. Ominis placed his wand toward the riddle. He bit his lip as if it were going to help him solve it.

He clasped his hands together. "I've got it," he proclaimed. "It's a wraith, or what we call them in Hogwarts, a Dementor."

I stared at him blankly. Did he expect me to know what either of those things were? "Uh, Ominis. You're going to have to fill me in a bit," I said hesitantly.

"Oh, right. I always forget you didn't start out here as a first year. You're just so talented, you know." Ominis bluffed on my behalf. I swear if he knew how to do it, he would have winked at me.

"I can see why Sebastian gave you this book. If he really is in Azkaban, Dementors are what lurk there. They prevent the prisoners from having the will or energy to leave by removing their souls." He could see the horror take over my face as he spoke.

Ominis continued, "They're ghastly, and the soul removing process is extremely painful. It is worse than The Cruciatus Curse since the effects can last a long time. It essentially causes long-term depression, apathy, or misery in oneself," Ominis stated frankly.

"Do you really think that Seb is in Azkaban? Do you believe these monsters to be truly sucking out his soul at this moment?" I asked curiously. I would have been more frantic, but Ominis could keep even Howlers at ease.

"I am truly not sure. I am not sure what to think anymore." Ominis anxiously thumbed his wand in his hands and chewed his bottom lip. He never appeared this anxious, at least not in front of me.

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