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Hogwarts Castle
Ominis' Point-of-View

It was a shame that the pensieve was enchanted. I could have held his head underwater for a few more moments, just to relieve some frustration. But alas, I decided to rip him from the memory instead.

I curled my fingers in his thick hair and jolted him out of the pensieve.

"What the fuck, Ominis?" Sebastian's voice bellowed in The Undercroft. Once the echoing of the room dissipated, I could hear him as pulled his robe sleeve to his eyes. The small shuffling noise sounded like he was wiping away his tears.

"What are you reliving in that pensieve, hm?" I asked inquisitively. I had a feeling I knew what he had done, but I did not want to worry her before we completed the memory charm.

My wand tracked his movement. He saw her. I could feel Sebastian relax in his presence as he began to approach her. He whispered, "Sweetheart..." in her direction. Instead of remaining calm, I aimed my wand in between them and cast.

"No! You are not allowed to touch her," It was more of a command, but Sebastian needed an Imperius Curse to actually follow any directions. He was too damned stubborn. I kept my stance but did not want to injure Sebastian, at least not yet.

Sebastian proceeded to make his way toward her. A hiss escaped my lips. I resented him. Sebastian and Anne's voices took turns overtaking my mind. Small snippets of memory unfolded from when we stayed in Feldcroft as kids.

But now, with her in play, there was no way our original trio would have survived. I should have anticipated that. I grounded myself even more as I cast at Sebastian, "Confringo!" A small whimper escaped her. I had not realized she embraced him.

I could feel myself trembling. How did I hurt her while attempting to stun Sebastian? She was never going to forgive me, never going to trust me, and never going to feel safe with me again. She would associate me with pain and torture, just as I did with my own family.

I dropped to my knees and let my wand roll onto the floor. Small trails of hot tears ran down my cheeks. I could not stop them. I had made no noise as I placed my face into my hands. I whispered into my fingertips, "What have I done?"

I could hear Sebastian mumbling to her. It seemed they were also on the floor. I imagined him holding her limp body in his hands. I winced at the thought. A cork popped loudly. He must have been pouring a Wiggenweld potion down her throat. I clasped my wand in my hand and stood up slowly.

I drew closer to her at a sluggish pace, just in case she wanted to banish me from her presence. I would not blame her for that decision.

I could sense Sebastian in front of her as he turned around, "Ominis. She doesn't want you here. Leave. What were you thinking?" His voice was like fire, spitting at me.

A duel would have to ensue at some other time. My teeth ground together, and my hands clenched slightly at the thought. It should have been Sebastian. I inhaled deeply to remain calm.

"Darling, is that true?" My voice was soft as I asked carefully. I waited for an answer. All I wanted to do was sit by her side and heal her. She needed my gentle touch, not Sebastian's roughness.

But this was my doing. She was injured by my hands. I would have to beg and plead for her forgiveness. She was everything to me. I had no one else, if I did not have her or Sebastian.

No words escaped her. I took that as my cue. She must have hated me in that moment. My body shook slightly as I walked out of The Undercroft.

In the Shadow of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now