Volume I: XXXVII*

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Hogwarts Castle
Sebastian's Point-of-View

The Slytherin Common room felt cold without her and Ominis—and Anne. I slumped over in my familiar spot. The fire emitted a great deal of heat as I kicked my feet up onto the ottoman. How was I going to fix this?

She wanted me to forget her? The heel of my hand pressed further into my cheek. She was meant to be mine, not Ominis.' My hand in my lap clenched slightly. I took a sharp breath in while I stretched my fingers across my brows. I let out a heavy sigh.

I wasn't going to do it. There was no way she was going to remove my memories of her. Tears began forming in my eyes, but I blinked them away as quickly as they appeared. I stood up hastily and made my way to The Undercroft. I needed somewhere to think.

The crescent door whirred and creaked open. I stepped down into the haven, and it hit me. The pensieve! Now that could be a loophole. Before she removed my memories, I could duplicate them.

I smiled wryly to myself. That way if Ominis were to get sick of her and finally leave her alone, I would be able to pick up where we left off. My eyes peered at the wall where she made me hers. A inescapable shiver tore down my back.

I fought the urge. I could feel her lips touching mine, and then they were against me. Heat radiated below my belt. I felt my skin pressing into my clothes, closing the space in my briefs. Sweat beaded on the nape of my neck. I felt hot.

I gasped. I took my wand to my temple and started to twine the memory into the pensieve. I felt every part of that moment. The softness of her skin, her hair tangled in my hands. The muffled moans escaping her. My own groans overpowering her voice.

The memory shifted into the next. Her pupils covered her irises as she stared into what felt like my soul. Heat encompassed me. Her hair reflected in the moonlight as I was giving myself to her completely.

The last piece of the memory trickled into the pensieve. They bled together in swirls of blue. The ceramic dish glimmered and lit the entirety of The Undercroft.

I pulled my forearm in front of my eyes to shield them from the light. It died down swiftly, and I placed my hands on top of the pensieve and looked into it. I had the ability to revisit her whenever I wanted. I smiled to myself. At least in another dimension, she was still with me.

I pushed my head slowly into the enchanted liquid.

The memory formed slowly. It was before our first Herbology class, right around the time when I brought her to the restriction section. She had approached the clock tower to ask Lucan about another Crossed Wands duel, but he wasn't there.

I was leaning against the bars entering the dueling area, and I finally got the courage to approach her.

"Lucan isn't here today," I said, worried she would be disappointed.

"Oh. That's a shame. I needed to complete Professor Hecat's assignment." Her shoulders lifted up and down as she shrugged in defeat. She tucked her hair behind her ear and bit her lip as if she were in deep thought.

"You could practice with me, if you'd like," I offered. "My dueling skills are probably more adept than most." I gave her a crooked smile, silently hoping she would take me up on the offer.

She eagerly agreed, and we casted at each other for what felt like hours. I finally surrendered because she was too persistent, and an overwhelming exhaustion came over me. We laid on the floor watching the clock's pendulum sway from side to side.

I wanted so badly to reach out to just touch her. She was the most genuine person I had met, other than Ominis. She cared about me, and I her. I wondered if the romantic feelings were mutual, though; I decided to test the waters.

I stood up abruptly and brought out my wand. I cast, "Arresto Momentum," just like Garreth had shown me before to unlock the door in the corner of the room. I walked over to the small hideaway and turned over my shoulder just once to see her reaction.

She was watching me intently.

I flashed my teeth with a smile and winked at her. I nodded in her direction as if to say, "Come here." Surprisingly, she stood up and followed me willingly.

I pushed the wooden door and held it open for her. She bowed her head and blushed as she entered.

The room was cramped, with nothing but a table and a chair. There was some hay scattered on the floor that was most likely drug in from the groundskeeper.

She sat in the chair awkwardly while I leaned over and pressed my elbows into the table. I examined her expression closely. She was looking down toward the floor, but her eyes kept meeting mine occasionally.

Every time we would lock eyes, her cheeks would flush, and she would dart her gaze down again. I could see her twirling a small piece of hair, probably out of nervousness.

I finally took my hand under her chin and turned her face to meet mine. "You can look at me, you know? It's why I brought you here. There was something different about you after we snuck in the restricted section together," I said quizzically as I furrowed my brows together. I had known she was interested in me, but I acted aloof. I needed her to make the first move.

She drummed her fingers against the table before she said quietly, "There's just something about you, Sebastian Sallow. I cannot quite put my finger on it as to why, but I'm drawn to you." She stood up, and it almost felt like she were going to challenge me in some manner.

She looked up at me, and I could tell it was a feeling of longing. Come on, darling. Just kiss me. I willed the thought into existence.

Her hands gripped the front sides of my robe, her eyes gleaming in the faint candlelight. "Kiss me," she said softly while her eyes closed.

I had to pull out all of my tricks. Other women fancied me, and I hadn't cared. None of them had ever mattered, except her. I wrapped one of my hands at the base of her neck. My other slightly grazed her cheek while I pressed my lips gently against hers.

Her lips were velvet as they met mine. She seemed reserved in her movement. I let my hand trail down to her waist and pulled her to my chest. My tempo fluctuated between mostly passionate and slightly relaxed. Her body eased in mine, and our tongues met fervently.

I let out a small groan as I felt my dick harden. I pressed it into her hip, tempting her. She let out a small whimper against my mouth. I was sure she could feel me smiling against her.

I unclicked my suspenders preemptively and unzipped my slacks. As I continued kissing her, I grabbed her hand in mine and guided it toward the bulge in my briefs.

She let out a breathy laugh as I felt her hand encompass my cock. I let out a sharp inhale.

The memory began melting before my eyes. What in Merlin's name was going on? I began floating away up into the ceiling, and all of the sudden I was back in The Undercroft.

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