Volume II: XLI

290 22 20

Ominis' Point-of-View
The Secret Room
October 1893

"Sebastian?" I gasped. I had not known he was even allowed a hiatus as an auror. "Can we meet back in my chamber?" I had no desire to make Antoinette feel as if she had to stay and be a part of this conversation. If that was what you could call it.

I knew she held resentment toward him. Even with his memories Obliviated, he tested her patience consistently. And I couldn't bear to see it anymore.

"Yes, but I just need to get this off my chest," I could hear him inhale deeply before saying, "I am so very sorry to the both of you. The kiss between us was meant to be strictly friendly, and Milton misunderstood the interaction." My body flinched at his words. A friendly kiss? Such a thing did not exist in my mind.

Sebastian continued his amends, "You both took the brunt of my actions. And I had wanted to apologize, but Sharp brought me straight to auror training." His voice strained with each word; he meant it. But it wouldn't actually hold any weight until his actions proved otherwise.

I turned to face his direction. I cleared my throat and spoke quietly, "Sebastian. You are one to always say that you are remorseful, but the measures you take do not seem to reflect the feeling. Show me initiative, and I will have a reason to believe you." I gripped Antoinette's hand underneath the covers.

"Anything, Ominis." Sebastian's tone appeared more worried.

I clasped my hands together when I made my decision. "Then it's settled. Apparate back to my room, and I will meet you there soon," I concluded.

His body shrunk in half and whooshed away. Thank Merlin.

"Thank you," She leaned her face closer to me, and I felt her warm lips spread against my cheek. I wrapped my palm around the side of her neck while she lingered there.

"He cannot hurt you any longer. Please know that," I pulled her into my chest as we laid against the pillows resting in front of the headboard.

If Sebastian even tried to touch her, the scales scattered about her body  would rise up from her skin and gash him everywhere. I smiled to myself at the thought.

It's truly what he deserved, and if anything were to happen, I wouldn't even have to act. He would bleed out before anything could be done.

I heard Antoinette leave the bed and begin conjuring a new outfit for herself. I stood up and put my casual clothes on, and we made our way out of the hidden space.

"Tsk, tsk." Xilia clicked her tongue at us as soon as we emerged from the hole in the ground.

"Antoinette," her voice was callous. "Why is it I constantly find you in situations you shouldn't be in. Please. Follow me." I could feel her gaze on me as they both swiftly walked away.

I frowned and rubbed my hand against my forehead. What could Xilia have possibly wanted from her? She had to have known we have been intimate since the beginning. Only a fool would be so oblivious.

She could hold her own. I would knock on her door before bed to check on her. That way, I knew she was safe.

I apparated to my bedroom, and sure enough, Sebastian was waiting for me. He had been pacing back and forth when my presence made him stop mid-stride.

"Ominis!" His voice was different than before. He had only been gone a month, but he sounded as if he aged some five years.

I could feel him approach me and pull me into a hug.

I stepped away first and interrogated him, "What are you doing back at the manor?" My eyes narrowed in his direction, and I could feel my brows pulling together in frustration.

"I'm here for the wedding. Duh." His voice was light, like a breath of fresh air compared to the melancholy he created around this house with Milton gone.

I stared back at him. Waiting.

"And I needed your advice."

There it was. Of course. He always seemed to be in dire need of something from me or her.

"Go on." I seethed. I could not stand when he only acted in his own interest.

"How did you know you were in love?" Sebastian's voice was quiet. Curious almost.

I put my wand down and went to sit on my bed. "What a strange question." I raised an eyebrow, and Sebastian spoke quickly, "Ominis. Just give me your best answer, and I promise I'll tell you what's going on." I could hear the uneasiness in his tone.

"I knew that I was in love when," I hesitated. I struggled to find the exact wording, "I wanted to be a better man."

My tone was that of adoration, "I had noticed that I was becoming a better version of myself. Every moment, I wanted to do something to please her. Not me. I was more independent and confident, and I realized that she was the only person that I desired to spend the rest of my days with. No matter the cost." I smiled to myself just imagining her from the moment in the pensieve. She truly was the love of my life.

"Okay. Okay," it sounded like Sebastian was trying to convince himself of something. "It's my auror partner. Iskra." I could hear him biting at his nails in distress.

"She is so much more than I expected. At first, I just thought she was a pretty face, but now, I am in awe of her. That's the right phrase, Ominis. I want to please her. And only her. It feels wrong to love someone this much since I don't think she feels the same way." The words practically spilled out of him.

I could hear his feet shuffling against the ground as if he were kicking imaginary rocks on the floor.

"I highly doubt that she isn't in love with you, Sebastian. You know the effect you have on most women." I sighed while I uttered the sentence. Had he really thought he could not have this Iskra?

"Ominis. I'm telling you. She's different. She's much older than me. And wiser. Plus, she can hold her own in action. Well, sometimes. But still, fighting alongside her has been the greatest feeling I've had in awhile." I could hear him slapping his hands against his cheeks in defeat as he plopped down next to me.

A few moments passed before he spoke again. "I need some of your charm, Omi." Sebastian muttered. "You have that little Antoinette wrapped around your finger, and I feel as if I am chasing Iskra around like a lost puppy." He let out a long, exasperated sigh.

I stifled a laugh, and Sebastian had heard me.

"Are you laughing at me?" Sebastian's tone was thick with shock that quickly turned into his own chuckles.

"Yes. Yes I am." My laughs grew louder, and Sebastian leaned and hit me with his shoulder. I mimicked his movement. It was just like old times. I missed this version of him.

"Well. If it were me, I would be up front and honest. Let her know your feelings. Either written or spoken, she would love that. Most women prefer poetry or acts of service." I could feel my voice teem with excitement. I thought about washing Antoinette's hair or pulling her in for a waltz.

"She seems to love painting. Perhaps I could try to get her more canvases and paints since we have a limited amount of items we can conjure at the safehouse. Ministry's rules." Sebastian leaned back against the mattress.

"She would like that," he mumbled to himself. I could feel him curl up into a ball and begin snoring. I moved as quietly as possible and made my way to Antoinette's room.

I waved my wand in front of the door. It did not sense her heat or her movement. She still wasn't back from her meeting with Xilia. I tiptoed down the stairs. I had to know she was alright.

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