Volume I: XXXIX

700 27 7

Sebastian's Point-of-View

My hand traced her face as she lie in my arms. She felt cold under my touch. My thumb brushed against her eyebrow softly. Her cheek had a faded scar on it now. I caressed the small raised line.

She could have had a thousand scars, and I would have still found her just as mesmerizing as I did when we met. I brought my face toward her and whispered softly, "Please, wake up. I need you." I pressed my lips to her forehead.

She hadn't needed Ominis. I rolled my eyes at the thought; he did this. We would be alright with just the two of us. I looked down at her face. Her hair was tangled underneath my fingers. Small droplets of sweat formed on her temple after a few moments. Ominis hadn't used an Unforgiveable, so why couldn't she just wake up?

I pulled her up to my chest and as soon as my skin touched hers, she began to shriek. It wasn't just any scream; it was blood-curdling and pierced my ears. If she told me a Mandrake possessed her, I would have believed it. I tuned her out as much as I could since I was preoccupied keeping her in my arms for warmth. The urge to press my hands against my ears was becoming stronger while the pitch and cadence of her yell increased. I took slow, deep breaths to ground myself.

Her voice ceased abruptly. I wrapped her cloak as tight as I could around her torso without hurting her. Her body was shivering softly in my arms. I hesitated, worried I would set her off again, before I pressed my cheek against hers.

She made a small noise that I believe meant she was content, and I rocked her gently against me. I hummed the rhyme "Jack be Nimble," against her to hopefully comfort her, as well as myself.

She began mumbling quietly into my cloak. I pushed her hair back and leaned her slightly off of me to listen intently.

"Mi..." She was dozing in and out of sleep as she stretched her hand out slightly. Maybe she was reaching for my face. I placed her palm against me, and she quickly tore her hand away.

"Ni..." Perhaps she did not want to touch me. I chose to wait patiently until she roused from her sleep.

"Omi," she said. It was almost distinct, but then I heard it.

It was as clear as day.


I felt as if knives were being shoved into my chest. My breath stopped. There was nothing I wouldn't have done to have her say my name. Why did it have to be Ominis?

Her eyes began fluttering, but they didn't open. Did he curse her somehow?

I placed my wand to my neck to call him. I said his name as loudly as I could.

The bars at the end of the room ascended, and Ominis entered. His face appeared apprehensive as he raised one eyebrow in my direction.

"You called?" Ominis' tone lingered with sarcasm until he sensed something was wrong.

He moved at a much quicker pace than normal over to her. "What did you do to her?" He seethed at me. I could see his spliced tongue appear.

He bent down swiftly. His jaw clenched as he took her from my arms. I stood up and felt my hands come up to the sides of my chest to portray my innocence.

My brows furrowed in angst as I told him, "Ominis, I swear on Solomon's grave that I did not hurt her. I wouldn't... I couldn't..." I locked my eyes on his, "But you did. You must have altered it and cursed her." I clenched my fists until my knuckles turned white.

"That cast was meant for you, you bellend," Ominis's nostrils flared as he huffed loudly. His brows pressed together so hard they almost touched one another. He appeared especially irate as his face began to redden.

"But it was just the blasting curse. I did not do anything to it, if that is what you are insinuating." Ominis looked in my direction with disgust.

He brought his wand up and glided it in the air across her body. "Reparifors," A halo glimmered around her entire body for a second. He looked up toward me like he was lecturing me, "This is only a basic healing charm, but the incantation should fix any residual from the blow to her cheek."

Ominis took his thumb and grazed it across where the scar was. I could see him visibly flinch as he grimaced. He sighed softly and placed his forehead against hers. I looked away as he began to kiss her scar. I ground my teeth together. She was supposed to be mine, not his.

A small inhale and coughing escaped her lips. I turned around to see Ominis brushing her hair back. He pet her head rhythmically while her eyes opened to see him.

"I am so sorry, my dearest," Ominis was apologizing as tears welled in his eyes. Each time he blinked, the tears would fall into her hair or onto her skin. He cupped his hand around her newly-formed scar and began to kiss—

I faced the other way. As much as I wanted to harm Ominis in that moment, I couldn't. She was okay, and that was what mattered.

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