Volume II: X

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Ominis and Kassia were elbowing each other as they exited the kitchen. Their voices seemed animated as they conversed in the main dining area. I did not understand the change. Xilia was fuming when she left the room they were just in.

They made their way over to me. Kassia's voice was quiet but commanding, "Take me to your chamber."

Her teeth glinted in this lighting, and her eyes were dark. The hair that flowed to her waist was bouncing slightly as she was nodding her head at me.

I looked toward Ominis, and he smiled in my direction. His hand made its way up to his forehead to wipe away the beaded sweat. He encouraged, "Go. She needs to heal you."

Kassia took my arm in hers, and we began walking toward the dual staircases. I turned my head over my shoulder to get one last look at Ominis, but he had already vanished. I prodded up the wooden stairs with her behind me.

As soon as we made it into my room, she shut the door and whipped around to face me. Her eyes moved rapidly while she looked me and up and down several times.

Her voice had the same singsong quality like Morganna's when she asked, "Before I heal you, I need to know. Are you pregnant?" With her face so close to mine, her eyes appeared green in this lighting. They flickered to my stomach but quickly met my gaze again.

"No. I am not pregnant." My inflection was rude, but so was her question.

She heavily sighed and heaved up and down before drawing her wand. "Thank Merlin. This will only hurt a bit." Kassia brought her wand up to my face and began mumbling in a language I didn't quite comprehend. I assumed it was Greek, but it very well could have been Latin.

The scar felt like it was pierced in the same manner I received it. The pain proceeded as if she were boiling an egg on my cheek. I winced multiple times when she drug her the end of her wand across my cheekbone.

"There. I'm finished." She said, rubbing her finger on my skin in the same direction the scar once was. She pulled away and studied me. I looked away from her gaze.

Kassia ran her hands through her hair as she sat down. She was a kind person, but her eyes consistently had a dagger-like quality to them. Like Xilia's, they were naturally narrowed.

"Before we rejoin the party, I just wanted to let you know that Xilia disapproves. She will always harbor some resentment toward you," her voice was apologetic.

She cleared her throat, "I wasn't sure about you at first, and to be honest, I still am wary. But Ominis was willing to stand up to his mother for you. All his life, he had been so complacent. It was especially worse when Noctua went missing." Kassia bent her head down as if she were paying her respects. "She was to Ominis as he is to Morganna."

Her eyes met mine. There was a small glint from the candlelight, "There's something about you, Miss Delacour. You've changed him. I believe for the better. However, this family cannot stand obstinance. Ominis' sudden change of heart might just be the undoing of the Gaunts." She stood up and walked toward me.

She took her hands in mine and lifted my arms. She dropped our fingers and motioned for me to twirl. I complied.

"If you are to be presented tonight in front of almost every prominent family in Britain, a change of attire is necessary." Her voice was tense as she waved her wand against my figure.

Flickers of gold clouded my vision before it suddenly ceased. "Done," Kassia said just as an artist would when they have completed one of their works.

I strolled over to the large full-length mirror leaning against the wall. I had not recognized myself until my mirrored eyes stared straight back into mine.

It appeared Kassia had added cosmetics into the spell. My face resembled when Anne had previously done it. Except now, my lips had a cherry red stain to them. My wavy hair had been neatly pulled up into a purposely disheveled updo.

My gaze shifted down to my newly tailored gown. It was more eloquent than the one I previously wore. I smoothed my hands against the material, and it felt just like velvet. The dress was dark, but it was notably emerald green in the glowing flames situated on the wall.

The corset was built into the bodice. It extended down my abdomen and formed a diamond peak between my hips. The skirt billowed beneath it. My gaze drew back up toward my chest, which was now spilling out of the v-shaped top. My arms were encircled by bouffant sleeves that gracefully draped themselves downward toward my elbows.

While I was admiring her work, Kassia had left momentarily. She reappeared with a vial of Eau de Parfum. She gripped the base in her hand and placed it a mere inch from my collarbone.

She squeezed the bulb only once and moved onto my hands. She compressed the sphere two more times, one for each wrist.

Kassia was making last minute adjustments to the dress, distracting herself when she said, "I have a feeling it is not a surprise, but I will let you in on this. Ominis is going to ask you for your hand in marriage tonight, in front of everyone. Please, at least try to appear surprised."

She put a hairpin in her mouth while she moved one of my curls a tad more to one side. "I mean, anyone could mimic that from seeing the ring." Her tone was nonchalant before she removed the pin and stuck it into my hair.

I looked at her through the mirror. My eyes searched hers. "The ring? Ominis had not mentioned anything of the sort." I felt light-headed.

Kassia pulled a flask from her pocket and handed it to me. "Perhaps you would do better with a small sip of Firewhisky."

I debated heavily. Loads of prominent families, expensive jewelry, and the Gaunts' constant judgment.

I nodded and swung the vial back.

It burned in my throat. Kassia took the bottle from me and did the same. Except she did not flinch like I did at the taste.

She opened the door; and I heard more commotion than normal ensuing downstairs. "Should we announce you?" Her eyes were wide, almost child-like.

"I am ready." I said. I was determined to make a good impression.

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