Volume I: XXXVI

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Irondale was more peaceful than when I had previously visited. The town was bustling as people filtered in and out of the hamlet square. Vendors lined the circular area with their bright colored tents and stalls.

Ominis turned toward me and asked, "Is there anything particular that you would want from the market?" He smiled as his hand intertwined with mine.

I led him over to one of the stalls with jewelry. As much as Anne was a nuisance, I had admired the silver necklace she wore. The pendant hanging from it was beautiful.

I let my eyes skim the merchandise. Ominis stood slightly behind me with one of his arms wrapped around my waist. He brought his face close behind mine and whispered in my ear, "I have never seen it for myself, but I've been told that Tanzanite appears lovely in all lighting." Ominis pulled away slightly.

I smiled softly to myself. I should have known that he would suggest me to wear his birthstone. I approached the shopkeeper and asked if they had anything in a similar hue. He shuffled around his stock for only a few seconds before pulling out the most gorgeous piece I had ever laid my eyes on.

The pendant shone a deep blue as it glinted in the sunlight. Delicate silver metal barely covered the edges of the elongated diamond, and there was more silver detailing at the bottom. I turned to see Ominis reaching into his robe for some Galleons, and the merchant laid the necklace in my hands.

I hurriedly locked it around my neck. I had no intention to make Ominis feel inferior. Having limited ability with sight and attempting to clasp jewelry were two concepts that did not mix well.

I asked the shopkeeper, "Would you be able to point me in the direction of Douglas Lockhart? I have word from an old friend of his, Aesop Sharp."

The merchant nodded and pulled out an enchanted map and handed it over to me. There was a small golden line that appeared on the Irondale drawing that appeared to lead directly to Lockhart's home.

"Your help is much appreciated," I said kindly. I turned around to face Ominis.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I could see him fiddling his fingers together. A tinge of nervousness seemed to have washed over him.

I admitted, "Of course. I love it, I just have never received such an exquisite gift." My cheeks reddened slightly. Ominis placed his hand against my cheek as though he were feeling the warmth gather.

He moved closer as his lips pressed against mine. Yearning. I pulled away slightly and whispered, "Omi, for the last time, people can see us in public," I laughed quietly to not draw attention.

Ominis smiled widely and wrapped his arm around my waist as I led him to Lockharts's home.

As we approached the small cottage, the door opened slightly. Ominis' brows furrowed at the sound, and I carefully pushed my hand against the wood.

Inside, a chair sat directly across the parlor. A small, round man strolled over to it and plopped himself down. His hand raised as he gestured for me and Ominis to enter.

We set foot in his home. It appeared just as cozy on the inside as it did on the outside. There were large stained glass windows on the entire back wall. The rest of the room was covered in books, with some of the even littered across the floor. A fireplace crackled slightly to the side of the room, and a pensieve was tucked into the other corner of the room. There was no kitchen or even stairs to a bedroom.

The obtuse man took a minute to stand. He huffed a few times before he was able to rock himself to his feet. He extended his hand to me, "Douglas Lockhart." His voice was gruff and loud.

I shook his hand reluctantly. Lockhart's hand was clammy, and he wouldn't stop shaking it until Ominis cleared his throat.

"Aesop Sharp sent us," Ominis declared.

"Oh! Goodie! How is he? I spoke to him briefly over the summer, but he appeared extra tense and irritated. It was peculiar behavior, even from him." Lockhart's face scrunched the entire time he spoke.

"Professor Sharp has restabilized his mood, thankfully," I laughed as I looked back on our first part of the summer.

"We are in dire need of your help acquiring the ability to wield a complex memory charm," Ominis said quickly. I rocked back and forth on my heels waiting for his answer.

"I see why Aesop sent you two. Alright! Let's get to learnin,'" Lockhart said as he rubbed his hands together with excitement.

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