Volume II: I

749 23 16

Hogsmeade Village
Ominis' Point of View
August 1893

My voice was frantic as I argued, "My family does not possess any heirlooms that I find suitable for her. She's delicate and—"

"Ominis, for the last time, I promise I'll help you choose." I could hear the annoyance in Sebastian's voice.

"I would say that I trust you, but we both know better." I put my face in my palms. I felt defeated.

Sebastian slapped my back a little harder than I expected, and I leaned forward slightly from the force, "Omi, I have known for a while how important she is to you. I could not fathom embarrassing my oldest friend for just a laugh."

He laughed loudly as he pushed me through the door to Prewett's Lapidary. It seemed a tad ironic. I drew my wand to feel out my surroundings. The floor resembled wood as it echoed underneath my footsteps. I ran my finger to the side of me to feel a glass case that extended more than a few meters.

I could hear Leander shuffling around in the back. He quickly whipped around the curtain in front of him and stepped closer.

He approached the counter and said condescendingly, "Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt. To what do I owe the pleasure? Are you two finally going to settle down with one another and live happily ever after?" I could hear him making kissing noises. He chuckled to himself.

Sebastian's rage radiated off of him, and my wand sensed his fingers curling together.

I spoke out of the side of my mouth, so that only Sebastian could hear me, "Please don't provoke him. I may actually need his help." Sebastian relaxed behind me.

My breath felt shaky at first. Just thinking about her reaction to any ring made me nervous.

Ever since I saw her in the memory, I was worried that I was not enough for her. She was perfect, and I was, well, plain. Sebastian's cloak brushed against mine.

He could have any women he liked, including mine. My stomach turned itself over. I felt mildly nauseous. I believe it was best that we had removed his memories.

I wondered what he had looked like in comparison to me. I was sure we appeared fairly similar since she had indulged us both. The only difference might have been that Sebastian was broader than me; however, I had filled out in the last few years. It was difficult to tell.

I cleared my throat and spoke softly, "Leander," I emptied my pockets full of Galleons onto the counter.

"She deserves to wear a piece that complements her beauty. I need your and Sebastian's help." I pressed my teeth against my lip. I worried he would decline my offer.

"Keep talking. I'll start off easy. What kind of gem are you searching for?" Leander asked inquisitively.

I felt in over my head as I told him, "I haven't the slightest clue." I shook my head. I should have asked her what kinds of jewelry she had bore interest in.

Leander sighed softly. "Well most women prefer diamonds. They tend to be the one the strongest type of stones. But some women fancy a custom piece with even rarer jewels."

"Diamonds are so unimaginative." Sebastian's tone was insulting. He turned in my direction. My wand alerted me that his eyes were staring intently into mine.

"I can feel your gaze, you know?" I seethed.

"Exactly. Leander. Do you have any sapphire the color of Ominis' eyes?" Leander swiftly disappeared to the back.

"When she looks into your eyes, her face becomes soft. It's as if she's searching them for answers," Sebastian spoke quietly. My mind drifted to the memory of us at the beach. Her eyes peered up at me. They were as big as the sand dollars on the shore.

It sounded as if Leander were struggling. He set something heavy onto the counter.

I reached out and put my hand across it. Large clicks popped, and the small chest had opened.

"Hold still, Ominis." Sebastian ordered. I could feel his hand reaching for the chest and then near my face. He repeated this movement multiple times.

"This one is the perfect match!" Sebastian declared. I could hear Leander hum softly in agreement. Sebastian held the stone in front of my face, "It reminds me of the moon," He said quietly.

I inhaled sharply. The moon. His moon. "What if we just went with a diamond, instead?" I offered.

"Ominis. This is your one and only true love we're talking about. We cannot treat her just like any other mediocre woman."

I chewed the inside of my cheek while Leander began setting the stone against metal.

"I do have a feeling she would prefer to wear something rather dainty. A thin band with sunburst detailing would be wonderful." I piped up.

She had been enamored by the necklace I had given her, and that seemed to be a simpler piece. I had never took her for one who desired gaudy jewelry.

I could feel both Leander and Sebastian's eyes on me.

"Do you have a preference on the type of casting?" Leander probed.

I thought quickly and decided, "Platinum." I had a feeling she would appreciate a high quality metal.

"Th-That'll be 800 Galleons." Leander's voice was high-pitched and unsteady. He seemed astonished.

I knew I didn't have that many Galleons on me. I thought about my next move. I didn't need Leander believing I had trouble affording the ring.

I snapped my fingers and spoke monotonously, "Klein."

I felt a tug on my cloak. My family's house elf had apparated beneath me. "Sir?" Klein's voice sounded concerned. I had never called him outside of the family home.

"Klein, I need you to please remove 400 more Galleons from my armoire and bring them here this instant." I despised calling upon him, but I knew that he would be willing to help. I patiently waited.

"Klein will be of great service." He disapparated and reappeared within a matter of minutes. I felt him tug once again on my robe while he handed me a heavy, burlap sack.

"You can go now, Klein." Sebastian's voice sounded grateful, but it was taboo to thank house elves. I shuddered at the thought of him receiving punishment for our kindness.

I heard a small poof as Klein disappeared.

I set the bag on top of the glass while Leander handed me the ring in a small angular box.

"Once you place it on her finger, it will resize itself. Please let me know if you have any issues." Leander offered.

"We will. Don't you worry." Sebastian's voice was thick with sarcasm while we headed out of the shop.

I still needed to let her know that I had to propose to her in front of my family. It was tradition. I swallowed audibly at the thought as we made our way back to the cottages.

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