Volume I: XXVIII

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The room felt as if it were moving in slow motion. Anne's voice was the only thing I could hear.

Attack Sebastian and Ominis.

Anne's tone lingered inside my head. I turned toward my past lovers and pulled my wand back. I could feel myself casting Incendio toward them. Confringo escaped the end of my wand, as well.

Fire had covered my vision. I could hear faint sounds of Sebastian and Ominis arguing. Small screams came from the direction they were in.

I could not stop. My wand began levitating multiple sharp objects from around the room and shooting them toward the two.

Potions, bottles, vials, and even mortar and pestles flung in their direction. They pinged back toward Anne and myself.

Thankfully, they were able to use their Protego spells correctly.

Use ancient magic.

Anne's voice entered my head unwarranted. Sparks of blue made their way toward the pair. Sebastian and Ominis were leviosoed into the air. Just as I was about to pummel them into the ground, I doubled over. Sharp's wand was accioed across the scene. Sebastian and Ominis both fell onto the ground making a loud thud.

Anne's hands were bound by magic as she dropped her wand. Professor Sharp's voice bellowed, "Anneliese Mara Sallow. You are under arrest for casting The Imperius Curse. The Ministry of Magic will hold you until your pre-trial occurs. Then, you will be sentenced to Azkaban." He walked over to her and clicked his tongue.

He added, "And I did notice one of my Amortentia vials was missing." He shook his head at her in a disappointed manner.

Professor Sharp gestured toward Sebastian and said, "You're going to have to come with me since you are supposed to be under my watch." After a few moments, their bodies disappeared to the Ministry.

I could hear Ominis as he slowly rose up from the ground. I was still in pain, so I decided to stay in my current spot on the floor. I turned over on my side and pulled my legs up into a fetal position.

Ominis came behind me and sat down on the ground. He took his hand and brushed my hair back to soothe me. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

I turned on my back, and he locked eyes with me for once. "I'm sorry," I said as tears welled in my eyes.

Ominis laughed as he asked, "For what? For Anne's mess? She did all of that. Not you." He rubbed his hand against my arm. His touch trailed down to my palm as he intertwined our fingers.

"But I laid with Sebastian." I sat up and brought my hands to my face. I was embarrassed.

Ominis moved his touch to my back. He rubbed me gently and said sweetly, "If you truly meant to do that, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. It was the Amortentia. Even if you didn't want it to happen, the potion would have created the same outcome."

"I just feel as if I don't deserve you. Like Anne had said." I sniffed as I wiped my eyes against my knees pulled against my chest.

Ominis smiled wide in my direction as he said, "If you so believe that you are undeserving, I hope that I am the most inequitable man to roam this land." He wrapped his arms around my folded figure.

A whooshing sound caught us by surprise in the corner of the room. We looked over to see the commotion.

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