Volume I: XXIX

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Professor Sharp and Sebastian collided into one another upon arrival. They stood up simultaneously. Professor Sharp brushed his cloak off and looked down at Sebastian. He rolled his eyes before turning to me and Ominis.

"The Ministry placed my memory into one of their pensieves at Anne's trial. They have deemed her a danger to society. Therefore, she has been sent to Azkaban." Professor Sharp said plainly. Sebastian looked over at me with tired eyes.

"And as for Sebastian, they had asked that we sever his curse. My thoughts will serve as testimony for another Sallow trial, once we complete the separation." Professor Sharp let out a large breath of air after he spoke.

His eyes moved over to me as he said, "We're going to need you to conjure ancient magic." He squinted at me as if he were wary of the power I held.

Professor Sharp turned back to all three of us and added, "And we'll need the blood of a virgin." I stifled a laugh as I looked toward Ominis and Sebastian.

Ominis' cheeks flushed, and he turned away from us. He was probably trying not to mock the situation, as well. Sebastian put his hand on the nape of his neck and slowly looked down to the ground. He smiled to himself.

Professor Sharp's eyes widened and his brows raised to form an array of wrinkles on his forehead. He told us, "I am going to pretend that I have no idea why you three are acting this way." He closed his eyes.

"I will sacrifice some of my own blood," Professor Sharp said casually as he pulled the sleeve of his cloak back.

Sebastian finally broke. His laughter echoed in the classroom, and Ominis and I joined in.

Professor Sharp opened his narrowed eyes and probed, "What could possibly be so humorous in this moment?"

Sebastian wiped a tear from his eye as he said, "You're not a virgin, though."

Professor Sharp appeared unamused as he retorted, "I have not found a partner worth my virtue."

"Oh..." Sebastian mumbled to himself. He coughed to reset his demeanor.

Professor Sharp scoffed as he took out his wand. He pressed it into the middle of his palm as blood began seeping out around the wood.

I took that as my cue. I drew my wand out, and I approached Sebastian slowly. I could not bear to make eye contact with him after all that had happened.

I brought my wand up to his chest and a jade hue began surging in the air between us. Professor Sharp brought his hand above the curse and slowly extracted his blood. The line of magic evolved into a bright burst of gold.

It shone even more brilliantly as Ominis screamed, "Diffindo!"

Sebastian fell to his knees and yelled. I dropped my wand to my side as the magic between us dissolved into thin air. He made a loud thud as his body slammed against the wall. His eyes began to roll back into his head.

I knelt down beside him and placed my wand to a vein on his arm. I whispered, "Aguamente," and the color started forming in his cheeks once again. He blinked a few times before he came to.

"Whoa." Sebastian exclaimed in a low tone. He reached out and took hold of my hands as he said, "Thank you. I will never forgive myself for letting you leave after we fought. Ominis is a lucky man."

Sebastian's eyes moved upward toward Ominis.

Ominis huffed almost silently to himself and said, "I owe it to you for screwing it up with her in the first place."

Professor Sharp cleared his throat and commented, "I think that is my cue. Sebastian. Come with me to the Ministry, so this nightmare can cease to exist."

Sebastian looked toward us and promised, "We will talk when I get back." He gave us a wink and grabbed Professor Sharp's hand to embark on their journey.

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