Volume I: XIX

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I explained everything to Professor Sharp, but I omitted some details that I did not believe were appropriate to disclose. I chuckled to myself at that thought. He seemed concerned, but he agreed that our testimony might just save Sebastian.

I told Professor Sharp that I would bring Anne and Ominis to his office shortly. I ambled across the same corridors to make my way back to the snakeskin door.

Upon entry to the room, I heard giggling. I silently walked down the steps, and I peered around the corner to see Anne and Ominis wrestling on the floor together. It seemed they were just play fighting. She had been sick for so long, it was nice to see her happy. Anne made her way on top of him after a few moments.

"I've done it. I've won!" Anne yelled. Her head flew back as her laugh consumed her. Her eyes moved downward. She was staring at him much too long for my own liking. She leaned forward and took his hand to her face. With his palm cupping her cheek, she bent down and kissed him.

I was in shock. My stomach twisted into knots. I grabbed the sides of my hair. I wanted to scream. I healed her, and this was how she repaid me? That bitch.

I quietly ran up the stairs and waited. My plan was to pretend I did not hear anything that occurred. After a few moments, I stomped loudly as I made my way down and said, "Ominis! Anne! I have arrived with good news." I hoped interrupting them would not let it progress any further.

I could not believe she betrayed me. Maybe the act was to avenge Sebastian from Azkaban. I held back any emotion as I approached them.

I said calmly, "It seems Professor Sharp is still an auror, and he can help us attempt to prove Sebastian's innocence. He said to meet him in his office as soon as we are able." My brows raised at them to see if they would admit to anything.

Ominis stepped forward, and Anne pulled out her wand and aimed it at him. She screamed, "Depulso!" and laughed, "Gotcha again!" Ominis fell into the pile of Sebastian's books.

He stood up as quickly as he could muster, and I came to his side slowly. He would have been alright feeling a bit of pain caused by Anne. It was the same pain as I encountered earlier from her actions. Ominis' face reddened as his white hair fell in front of his eyes. I pulled out a Wiggenweld potion and handed it to him.

Ominis turned his face in my direction and said apologetically, "She's just excited that she can even cast spells without experiencing pain. I promise I am alright." His brows furrowed slightly, and he scratched the back of his head.

He felt for my arm and pulled me close to him. His face grazed against my ear as he whispered, "Remind me when she is out of our presence that I have something to mention to you." His voice sounded strained. He had better admit what happened between them, or I was truly going to take him up on the offer to let Sebastian pursue me first.

Ominis kept my arm within his grasp and looked toward Anne, "We need to be on our way to Sharp's office, if you still wish to save your brother."

Ominis wished for our arms to be intertwined as we strolled toward the department. I wrapped my arm underneath his to place my hand around his bicep. He used his other hand to cover mine. His grasp was large; it surrounded my hand completely. His pale fingertips were warm against me.

It was a protective pose. I looked over at Ominis. He seemed at ease. I hoped that what I saw between them was something that was unreciprocated.

Anne looked at him. Her eyes appeared narrow, and her jaw clenched slightly. She sarcastically probed, "Did you find yourself a new handler, Ominis?" His face did not change.

He turned his head toward me and fondly placed his lips against my temple. I could feel his cheeks grow as he smiled against my skin.

Anne scrunched her face at him and said, "I was just joking. You're not as fun as you used to be, Omi."

Ominis stared straight ahead and commented, "Life can change a lot, whether it be a year or a day. Every morning, I get to wake up with a new beginning." He turned his head, so that I could see his face once again. I looked up at him to see a soft smile forming on his lips. He mouthed the words, "I love you," in my direction.

As we entered the potions classroom, Professor Sharp was brewing potions. He turned to see us, but his eyes were fixed on Anne.

He pulled his glasses off and rubbed his eyes as if they were deceiving him. His brows furrowed to the point where they almost touched. He rubbed his chin as if deep in thought and said, "I do not partake in such nonsense, but I believe I have just witnessed a miracle."

He bowed to Anne, "It is an honor to see you return as a student to Hogwarts." Professor Sharp seemed impressed. He gestured to the table he was currently working at. He said with a rare smile, "Come. Let us discuss."

All four of us gathered around the potion station, and we began proposing ideas about how the trial would ensue.

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