Volume I: XXXII

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Sebastian forcefully pushed the shop door open. He rolled his eyes as he saw me and Ominis together. I stepped away to maintain a neutrality.

Ominis frowned to himself. He looked in Sebastian's direction and accused, "Is there a problem? Did they stick the wand up your ass instead of handing it to you?"

"No," Sebastian mumbled. His brows furrowed and lip curled while he drew in the largest breath I had ever seen. He exhaled slowly.

"Good. Because we need to find a new place to stay. The Sallow house seems to be cursed with dark magic. You cannot go back there," Ominis factually stated.

"Oh. And you are my keeper?" Sebastian's voice grew louder at Ominis.

I placed myself in between them. "Stop it! Both of you. Sebastian, you can make your own choices. But Ominis is right. We need a home. One that we can make our own." My voice was loud but grew quieter with each word.

"Fine!" Sebastian and Ominis retorted simultaneously.

"Good. I'm glad it's settled. I know just the place." I eyed them both as we began our way toward Dogweed and Deathcap.

The silence was deafening as we trekked up the rockier terrain. I pulled my wand out at a spot where there was a large open area.

I braced myself by grounding my feet into the dirt. I knew this would require a lot of energy. I turned to Ominis and Sebastian, "I need you both to help me conjure a cottage."

They brought their wands out. I turned back around and lifted my own to see small spurts of gold entering the air. A cobblestone path formed on the ground and led forward to a wooden door.

More stone appeared along with some stucco and wood. The materials joined in the air and began clinking themselves into place. Windows and shingles took their turns maneuvering themselves on the cottage. One last plink sounded as the chimney formed at the top.

I dropped my wand to my side and approached the front door. I pushed it open gently and gestured for them both to come inside.

I studied the rooms. They appeared just as I imagined. The floor was made of wooden planks and the walls had a taupe hue. There was a kitchen straight ahead when you walked inside. And in the middle of the room, a small dining area appeared. I closed my eyes and envisioned us three eating supper together. My eyes reopened to see that underneath the curved staircase in the corner was a large sitting area.

We walked up the stairs to the first bedroom. A large double bed made itself the focus of this room. Sebastian ran and jumped onto it. "I call this one," he said confidently. I opened my mouth to argue, but Ominis beat me to it.

He walked over and ran his hand along the footboard. "This bed is too large for just you, Sebastian."

Sebastian only had his eyes on me. He was laying on his side with his head propped up by his hand. He pat the blanket and mouthed, "I know. I want you." He began to hump the air.

I laughed from sheer embarrassment, and I truly did not know what to do to stop him from acting this way. Ominis seemed crossed as he spoke, "I am blind, not deaf, Sebastian. I can hear you doing that."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "I was just joking, Omi. You know that," he argued with Ominis as he winked at me. He rolled off the bed to continue to his room.

We walked up another flight of stairs to the attic. It was more cramped than Ominis' and my room. There was a single bed. Sebastian frowned and took out his wand. Flickers of gold filled the room as he replaced it with a much larger bed.

I rolled my eyes. I looked over to see Ominis' jaw clenched. I could see that his breathing was much faster than normal.

Sebastian smirked, "Before you say anything. If this is going to be our new home, I want nice things."

He continued as a small frown formed on his face, "Ominis' grew up with a giant bed where the mattress was replaced every week. It had a canopy and everything. I never had anything like that."

He looked down at the bed and added, "Also, what if I meet someone here? It could happen." He looked toward me to try to catch my eye. I shot my gaze at the ground. I did not need him believing I was truly into whatever he was playing at.

Ominis grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. He kissed my raised cheek as I was smiling. He looked in Sebastian's direction and remarked, "Well, it really is getting late, and we need to be heading off to bed. Goodnight."

We made our way downstairs to our new bedroom. I could feel Sebastian's eyes on my back as I made my way down the steps. I needed to do something to get him to forget me.

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