Volume I: XLIII

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I woke up in the middle of the night to Sebastian snoring loudly. I groaned as I kicked my legs over the bed. The Vivarium was more humid than any weather I'd been in recently. My feet drug as I walked to the bathroom.

The sink sputtered loudly when I turned it on. I took handfuls of water and wet my hair. It was still frizzy, and it didn't seem to help with my sweat. I began undressing and turned the shower on.

The heat felt nice against my skin. I washed my hair and cleansed myself to prepare for this morning. I hoped I was able to perform the memory charm like Douglas had taught me.

He said it required extreme strength and patience. Any moment of weakness could cause the charm to falter or worse, backfire. I chewed the inside of my cheek out of nervousness. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

My image in the mirror looked a tad better; but more importantly, I felt at ease. I stroked my new scar on my cheek. My reflection frowned back at me. I hung the towel over the top of the door before I headed back into the bedroom.

I tiptoed to one of the armoires in the room and opened it slowly. Thankfully, it didn't make noise. Any creaking would easily wake Sebastian.

I put on a light nightdress and headed back over to the bed. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw Sebastian sitting up against his pillow, his arms crossed behind his head.

His chest was bare now as he said, "It's nothing I haven't seen before." He winked at me and gestured for me to come back to bed.

I begrudgingly pulled the top sheet back and slipped into my spot. My eyes narrowed at Sebastian. I turned to face the wall instead of him. I just needed to sleep, so that I could focus for when our twenty-four hour sentence was up.

Sebastian whispered into the darkness, "Can I lay beside you?"

I turned over just enough to see his face. "Please..." He begged once more.

"Fine," I said curtly, "Just don't bother me too much. I need rest."

Sebastian shimmied himself closer to me under the sheets, and then I felt it. I knew what he was doing now.

He must have waited until I showered, and then he had undressed. That way, he could press his naked body up against me. I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration.

I moved my hand behind me and  pressed the sheet between us, creating a barrier. It didn't change the fact that I could still feel his hardened cock against me.

"Sorry," Sebastian mumbled. "He's just excited." Even in darkness, I could tell he was smirking to himself.

I felt like I was scolding him, "Sebastian Sallow, if you cannot respect my rules, I will Obliviate you."

He scooted himself back the tiniest bit and moved his arm around my waist. "You just cannot wait to forget me, can you?" Sebastian seethed.

"You are correct, and I also cannot wait until you leave me alone for the rest of my life." I pulled the covers all the way to my chin and shut my eyes tightly.

Sebastian was silent for a moment.

"You don't mean that. Do you?" His voice was quiet, almost child-like.

I didn't respond, and he turned the other way. I could feel the guilt eating away at me until I dozed back to sleep.

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