Volume II: XXXIII*

391 19 2

Sebastian's Point-of-View
Outer Hebrides, Scotland
October 1893

The water stopped, and I heard her footsteps trail toward her room. I took that as my cue. I trudged up the stairs. The bathroom was empty, and the steam coming from the room felt heavenly against my skin. I turned the water back on and stepped inside my own personal oasis.

I lathered my hair and my body, and I stood still directly under the water for several moments. I needed this.

After a few minutes, I rinsed the shampoo and soap off of me, and I pulled the curtain back to see Iskra leaning against the counter, looking in the mirror with a towel wrapped around her torso. She turned to look at me. I was too slow. I saw her eyes dart toward my dick, and as soon as I placed my hands to cover myself, her gaze met mine.

I flipped around to face the shower. "Iskra. What in Merlin's name are you doing in here?" My voice was hoarse. I had liked the way she looked me up and down. I could feel my face flush at the thought.

"My room was cold, and the heat coming from in here warmed me up quick." She admitted. I couldn't see her face, but I heard her approach me.

Her hand reached over me and turned the shower back on again. Her eyes had been locked on mine for the entire interaction. I swallowed loudly as she took another look at the tendons on the sides of my stomach extending down to where my hands were.

She stepped back onto the tile, and she put her arm out to hand me the towel. I rested it on one of the hooks on the wall across from me. Was this an open invitation? I didn't want to misconstrue her actions, but this seemed obvious.

There was enough of a slit between the curtain and the wall that if I moved just barely to the side, I could see her.

I thought about the consequences, but I had already used another Unforgiveable. One more bad deed wouldn't make a difference.

I leaned forward slightly to see her widened eyes in the space. She smiled softly at me before moving out of the frame. I pushed the curtain to the side and stepped inside the shower. Iskra was facing the stream of the water, and I took in every part of her.

I could feel the coloring drain from my face and the heat begin to swarm in my lower body. My gaze traced her curves when I approached her. My palms grazed the sides of her hips while she spun around to peer up at me. Her eyes appeared innocent, but I knew her intentions.

I drew myself closer to her and bent down and placed my lips against her neck. I was gentle. I slid my face across her shoulder and wrapped my hands around her back. I squeezed tighter, so she would relax into my arms. Her head flew back, and she laughed as the water trickled off her skin. I pressed my face into her breasts and inhaled her scent.

I placed multiple kisses across her chest, and I lingered over her nipples when she elicited light moans. She pulled herself away and grabbed my face in her hands. My cheeks grew at her touch.

My smile radiated when her face was a mere centimeter away from mine. I kissed her lightly, beginning at the corner of her mouth and finally centering it. Her lips parted against mine, and she immeshed into me. Iskra's moans were louder now that I shoved my hardened cock against her hip.

"Not in here." She whispered. I left the water running while I hoisted her legs up around my torso. Her arms wrapped gingerly around my neck as I walked to my bedroom with her legs resting on top of my hips. Better mine than hers, I thought to myself.

I laid her softly against the mattress. I stayed standing and leaned over her body to kiss her once more before she turned herself over on all fours.

"What if I wanted to see your beautiful eyes?" I asked, offended. Did she want to face away from me to imagine someone else?

"Sebastian. You must be inexperienced. I can look at you like this," She grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and placed it under her stomach. She pressed her hips into it and turned around.

"There. Now you can see me," She narrowed her eyes at me in a seductive manner, and I wrapped my palms around her thighs and drug her toward the edge of the bed.

"Fine. I need more leverage," I told her as I pushed my knees into the side of the bed and guided my cock inside her.

She had kept her promise. Her eyes were still locked on mine, and I could see her pupils growing as the she felt the pressure from me entering her. She was fairly wet, and I had hoped I had given her enough foreplay.

She moved further down onto her elbows to let me go deeper. That was definitely enough foreplay. Fuck. I inhaled sharply and let out a breathy moan. "Iskra," Her name rolled of my tongue. I began thrusting slowly. I didn't want to climax too quickly. This might have been the only time she allowed this.

She breathed heavily each time her hips rested against mine. "Sebastian," she mumbled. Her eyes were practically black in this lighting when they weren't rolling back in her head.

I kept going but quickened my pace. I could feel her tensing around my cock. I groaned in response. No woman had ever let me delve this deep inside of them. My own breathing turned hoarser until my hands gripped into her hips even harder. I thrust at a pace that felt almost impossible.

I couldn't stop it. My husky groans turned into quiet whimpering. "Fuck," I whispered. Her moans matched my tempo, and her eyes hadn't moved from mine. Just like she had said. "Good girl." I muttered aloud.

I realized what I had done when I pulled away to see I had came in her, and it was leaking out onto her thighs and my bed. "Fuck. I'm sorry. Shit." The apologies kept flowing through me. I should have pulled out.

"Sallow. It's alright," she laughed. "For some reason, I tend to climax when men contract inside me." She shrugged her shoulders. "It probably has to do with praise, or something of the sort." She winked at me before standing up to head back to her own room.

She kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear, "Goodnight, Sebastian." Iskra's voice was as alluring as it was when I had first met her. I knew at that moment I was fucked.

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