Volume II: XX*

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A bandaged arm was draped across my stomach when I awoke. I tried to move, but my chest felt fairly sore. I groaned as I pulled myself up in the bed. It was dark, but I was able to take in my surroundings.

Ominis laid next to me. The emerald covers were strewn across his bare chest. He was snoring softly, his eyes barely open. We were still in his room, but Kassia had left. I wondered how much time had passed.

My chest was also bare. I had not remembered removing my clothes, but I could hear Ominis' voice overtake my mind when I thought back to the moment where I was awake.

"Stop it! You're going to end up killing her."

I must have been in danger, and perhaps they cut through my clothes to see the damage. The duvet rustled against my skin when I pulled it up to cover myself. I peered down at the pain in my core and noticed something horrid.

I gasped, and my throat ached at the movement. The newly formed scarring extended from the center of my clavicle to the area between my breasts. There was no pattern. Just swirls of white markings that resembled scales.

Ominis had roused from his sleep from hearing my sharp inhale. "Are you alright, my love?" He probed. He smoothed his palm against my hair.

His hand cradled against my head while his voice was teeming with pain, "I hadn't known it would be so intense, but I never watched any of Milton's wives endure the process. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Ominis' face was directly across from mine, and the glaze over his eyes appeared severe.

"Just stay." My voice was quiet, and it felt like I was just mouthing the words. I was too apprehensive to speak in full sentences.

Ominis tucked my hair behind my ear and softly kissed down my neck. He ran his finger across my chest and halted when he touched the healed injury. "Well, now we know the Ichor took," He whispered as he thumbed against my cleavage.

"What...do...you...mean?" I spoke slowly and hesitated between my words. My voice felt youthful since I had only spoke a handful of times in the last few days.

"Kassia had said there would be a sign. I heavily suspect this to be it. The space where your magic comes from is now branded by Salazar Slytherin and Medusa's mark." He traced his hand up to my neck and caressed softly.

I hummed, encouraging him to continue. I reached for him.

"Darling, we can't. You need your rest." His thumb had moved to my cheek as he brushed it rhythmically against my skin.

"I don't care about my rest," I mumbled. My voice was softer when I begged, "Please. I will tell you to stop if I am unable to continue." I grabbed his hands in mine and pressed my lips against his shoulder.

"Fine." He seethed.

I had never seen him so pissed off at the idea of sex. It was like a challenge. My mouth smirked at the thought. I could make him change his mind.

He stayed beside me. I had a feeling he was nervous to put any weight onto me. I wanted this. I pressed my palm against his chest and pushed him over onto his back.

I groaned as I picked myself up and shifted my legs on either side of his hips. Scents of lemongrass filled the space between us as I pressed my face into the side of his neck.

My tongue traced the Cruciatus scar under his jaw. Fuck this family. My lips followed the pattern of his scars until I stopped at his hip bone. A moan escaped me as it permeated against his skin. He groaned in response as the heat from my mouth burned into him.

I sat back onto my thighs to breathe. Ominis was right. I did feel exhausted, but I would not show him any weakness. I had not known how much alone time we would have after this moment.

I gripped his hardened cock in my hand, and he propped himself up onto his elbows. His eyebrows were furrowed when he inquired, "You aren't truly thinking of doing that when your throat just healed, are you?" He shooed my hand away and gestured for me to move off of him. My fragility ruined the moment; I was defeated.

I lifted one leg to turn on my side, but Ominis beat me to it. He pressed his palm underneath the small of my back while his other hand hovered behind my neck. His arms tensed as he lifted me up against him and laid me gently onto the mattress.

Ominis nuzzled his face into the side of my neck while his lips grazed the space between my ear and hairline. The feeling was exhilarating. I could not make out the amount of time it had been since the last time we were intimate. I turned my head to rest my cheek on his and whimpered into his skin.

It was muffled, but he had heard it. He growled as he lowered himself further down on my body. His teeth met my shoulder. He kissed across my clavicle and moved onto the white scales between my breasts.

The only two scars I had ever received were given to me by the man I was to marry. I would be lying to myself if I had thought that wasn't attractive. His tongue split over my breast, and I could feel the warmth between my legs worsening. My fingers tangled in his pale hair, and I squeezed my thighs together to press into the feeling.

Ominis sensed the change in my demeanor and drug his forefingers down the center of my body. The light touch forced a loud moan out of me. I could not stand the teasing; he knew what he was doing.

He easily slipped his fingers inside of me. This time, I was the one who shoved his hand away. I took pleasure in his foreplay, but there was no need for that this time. I ached for him.

My fingers scratched at his broad back to signal for him to climb on top of me. He obliged. His breathing quickened when his hand curved around his dick. He bent forward and guided himself inside me.

I chose not to wrap my thighs around him this time. I pulled my knees up to the sides of my breasts, and I could feel a change in him.

A loud sigh escaped his lips, as if he were attempting to focus. "Don't tempt me, darling," his voice was rough while he guided my legs around him. The pace was slow. Gentle. I had a feeling he was worried about hurting me.

I pressed him further into me by tilting my hips, and I rocked back and forth much faster than his stride.

His fingers gripped around my back, and I could feel him pulse inside me as his face pressed into my hair. A muffled groan escaped him, while my own body began contracting. Our breathing meshed together and settled, and soon we had fallen asleep in each others' arms.

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