Volume I: XIII

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The journey to Feldcroft would have been short, but Ominis could not fly on a broom safely due to his condition. Floo powder was an option, but we had no idea what the hamlet looked like. It was not usually safe. And now that summer has begun, we could not even request a carriage.

Unfortunately, walking was our only option.

Ominis seemed stoic today. He only answered when I talked directly to him. And most of his answers were nonverbal. He occasionally nodded his head or gave a slight "mm-hmm." He did not initiate conversation like normal. I felt as if he had broken our promise.

Well, if he were to be brooding all day, I might as well probe him about his home life. "Ominis, you never told me about your scar or what happened that day," I said, hoping he would not ignore me.

Ominis slowed his pace. I offered him my hand to hold, but he rejected it. He took a slight inhale and remarked, "My father was not a good man. The only thing that brought him solace was status and other people's suffering." His facial expression did not change.

He said calmly, "I acquired this mark because I deserved it."

I grabbed the nook of his arm, "There is nothing you have done to deserve this kind of torture," I seethed. I was distraught.

Ominis' face twisted as he spoke, "It was not torture. It was punishment," he smoothed out the lines on his face and continued, "We were in Hogsmeade one day. My whole family was there, and we had decided to go to Honeyduke's. I was little and did not understand certain concepts just yet."

He closed his eyes and remorsefully admitted, "I stole a chocolate frog. My parents did not know at first, but they looked down later to see me eating it. My mother was proud as most Slytherins would be, but my father did not need his name to be shamed. For anything," he said quietly.

Ominis looked as if he were in pain and reluctantly carried on, "He brought me into The Forbidden Forest and made my mother hold me. I could still hear his scream in my ears if I listened hard enough. I was already blinded before by one of his fits of rage. I did not need another physical punishment."

He looked down toward the ground, but I could see his face. It was mortifying. He could sense my worry and quickly lightened up.

"Thankfully, this one," he brought his fingers to his neck, "Did not permanently disable me."

I was speechless. We walked for some time in silence.

The sun was falling overhead. Nightfall was approaching. I wondered if we needed to set up camp.

Ominis turned his head in my direction and said, "I can hear the crickets starting to gather together. We need to settle down for the evening."

We examined the area. There were no signs of acromantulas or mongrels. The forest was quiet, and I was grateful for that.

I gathered some dry sticks and threw them on the ground. I pulled my wand out and aimed it toward the branches. "Incendio." I commanded quietly. The fire sputtered at first but was crackling after a few moments.

We pulled out our sleeping cots. Ominis placed his far away from me. I decided against that. He could not ignore me any longer.

"Ominis. Stop this. I'm placing my cot next to yours." I declared.

I arranged my bed for the night and knelt down beside him. I grabbed his hands and soothed him, "Nothing that happened with Sebastian has changed the way that I feel about you." I kissed his cheek. Heat radiated from his face.

I longed for his eyes to meet mine. His head tilted up toward me. A look in my direction must have sufficed.

He took both of his hands and placed them on my neck. He drew me in, and our mouths met. His lips were gentle against mine, even as he moved away. He said softly, "I am not upset with you, my love. I am frustrated with my own mind." His brow furrowed faintly.

We laid down under the night sky. The stars were quite beautiful in that moment. They reflected off Ominis' eyes.

I spoke into the darkness, "Your dad was a heinous man. The Cruciatus Curse over a chocolate frog when you were just a boy? Impossible. Please, Ominis, never let me meet your family. I do not think I'll be able to hold back." I said through my teeth.

"If you ever agreed to be my bride, you would have to. And that is a duel I am willing to be witness to." Ominis spoke in my direction. I could barely see him in this lighting now. A smile danced across his face.

"A bride?" I whispered to myself. I leaned over, and Ominis brought his hand to my chin. He brushed his thumb across my lips and then tucked my hair behind my ear.

He affectionately pulled me into him. My backside nestled into his lap. His arm encompassed me gently.

I drifted softly to sleep in Ominis' embrace. Small dreams clouded my mind, mainly ones that entertained the idea that I could be his wife one day.

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