Volume I: XV

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Ominis kept putting his wand behind him as he walked in front of me. I was assuming he was ensuring my safety. At least he never put me in harms way on purpose, as Sebastian once did.

He lingered slightly in his gait to meet me at my side. He intertwined our fingers. Either he was acting extremely protective of me, or he was just his normal adorable self.

I promised him, "I can take care of myself, Ominis." My face looked in his direction. I could see him clenching his jaw. I noticed his ears raising with each contraction. His throat moved up and down as he swallowed slowly.

Ominis squeezed my hand a little tighter. He faced me and grabbed my wrists. He spoke eloquently, "If I were to rouse from sleep and spontaneously have sight, I would relinquish the ability once more to be certain you were invulnerable." His hands pulled my arms around him. Ominis was my safe haven.

He stepped away to continue the journey. He pushed his hand against his hair. It appeared white in the sunlight. "You have confessed to me, and I must do the same." Ominis put his face in his hands.

He looked upward and continued, "You know that Sebastian, Anne, and I would spend the summers in Feldcroft. I have not provided you much detail about our past. I feel that I must now." Ominis' face appeared bleak.

"One of my favorite memories was when we used to play on the shore together. We were only beginning our third year at Hogwarts. Sebastian was fearless. He would swim in the sea and dive for shells. He sometimes even used spells to gather fish. Anne and I stayed back. She looked after me." Ominis' cheeks reddened and sweat started to form on his brows.

What could he possibly be alluding to that is so horrible it warrants a confession?

"Anne and I were building a castle made of sand one morning. Which mainly required me to go fetch sand and bring it to her since I normally wrecked the castles by accident. But we knew our roles well." He smiled fondly.

"I remember specifically I would bring her flowers and shells that reminded me of the way she made me feel. Before she was sick, she was so full of life." The glaze in his eyes worsened.

He continued, "I gave her what was apparently a rose, and she kissed me in return. I think I may have loved her, and I just needed you to know that. She holds a dear space in my heart." Ominis' brows pulled together and he sniffed. It sounded as if he were attempting to hold back tears.

"Ominis. There is nothing wrong with loving someone, even if it was in the past. I am in no way jealous or upset with you." I reassured him.

I needed to tell him what he wanted to hear in that moment. Honestly, I was a tad bit envious of Anne. I mean, who wouldn't be? She was an extremely powerful witch, and Ominis spoke highly of her. He believed she could take care of herself, while I was considered helpless.

Ominis looked toward the path ahead of us. "Solomon did not approve. He was worried about the fact that I needed 'assistance.' He did not think I could take care of her, let alone protect her." He shook his head.

My eyes widened. "So, you stopped pursuing Anne because of Solomon's opinion?" I said in disbelief.

Ominis nodded. I could not fathom why he thought Solomon was right in any manner. But Anne did think highly of her uncle, so I supposed it made sense. And, look at Anne now. She was impaired and constantly required much more help than Ominis has ever needed.

We stepped downward toward the end of the hill, and the hamlet came into view.

Thank Merlin we did not travel by Floo powder. Goblins circled the area. It seemed they had settled here. Even the Sallow house looked occupied.

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