Volume II: LXXV

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Iskra's Point-of-View
The Gaunt Manor
Late July 1896

I returned to my chamber at the elves' call. I didn't seem to produce a lot of milk for this sitting since it was the end of the night. Three in the morning occupied itself as my usual time for Markov's full meal. It's why dark circles hung under my eyes like witches to be burned at the stake.

I just wrapped Markov up back into his swaddle to hear knocking at the door. Marat would have just entered. Perhaps it was Morganna wanting to see little Mark.

My footsteps were insanely light against the wood floor. He just fell asleep, and I wanted to rest myself after this conversation.

I opened the door completely and gasped.


"You cannot be in here. Shoo!" I used my free hand to flick him away. I muttered some Bulgarian insults at him to see if he would get the hint.

He refused, per usual.

"Fine!" His voice had a tinge of anger to it, and I hadn't appreciated how aggressive he was when he drug me by my wrist into the corridor beside my quarters.

I began to tell Sebastian to quiet down with his tone, but he beat me to any sort of words. He bellowed, "What happened to you, Iskra? Antoinette had been fine with the blood purification. You're as thin as an Inferius and paler than Nearly Headless Nick."

Markov started his cries. No. No. No.

I shoved my hand against Sebastian's mouth to shut him up. Served him right.

Just as quickly as I stopped, I fell back into my natural rhythm. Bouncing back and forth to soothe the baby to sleep. Merlin, I could not wait until he was Lailah's age.

Sebastian offered his hands to me. I leaned back and struck a protective pose in response.

"I'm not a monster, Iskra. I know how to hold an infant." Sebastian's voice seemed more irritated than normal.

"Well, I have no reason to trust you, Sallow." I tilted my chin upward and peered down at his wide gaze.

"Come on, love. Hand him here. You look like you need the break. Where's Marat, anyways?" His arms hadn't moved from their outstretched position.

"He's with Xilia. I think." My eyes flickered back to the veranda, and I realized he had been correct.

I was exhausted. Marat had always been a huge help, but he wasn't here.

The upset swirling in my stomach worsened. Nothing could take my mind off it anymore; the last week ate away at me. For good reason.

I reluctantly set Markov into Sebastian's arms. And he immediately began shifting back and forth, creating a comforting environment for my little one.

"Alright. Now tell me what's up. I have reason to believe it's not just from the blood binding. Spill, Krum." His tone appeared playful, waiting for me to return with the same banter.

"Sebastian," I cleared my throat to speak even quieter about the matter, "Phineas Nigellus Black was here seven days ago. He spoke of a sacrifice that needed to be completed. And Xilia has been so loving and doting on both me and Markov, and I fear that he could be the one they plan to use." My words ran together, and I had to remind myself to stop pulling my hangnails off from stress.

"Whoa. What? Are you sure?" Sebastian's gasp switched to whispers when he remembered Markov lied asleep in his arms.

"Does Marat know?" Sebastian pried.

I whispered in the air between us, "No. Not that I'm aware. Only Xilia. I've kept it in the back of my mind since learning occlumency from the texts provided by the Ministry. They said it could help if I were ever interrogated or if I encountered a legilimens, which is what Marat possesses."

I cracked my knuckles between the palms of my hands. I had to fidget. Thinking about the idea of Markov as a sacrifice brought a great amount of dread over me.

Sebastian paused for a moment. His free hand stretched across his face while Markov still sat in his grasp. "We should consult with Marat. He can sift through Xilia's memories to reveal the intention."

"Alright." I agreed. I gestured for him to hand Markov back, and he lifted him gently into my cradled arms.

His eyes narrowed when he nodded at me, "It's settled. Fill Marat in and ensure he doesn't kill Xilia. Then, convince him to let me in your chamber to help with the coup. Tonight, I'll knock only once against the door. That way you know it's me."

I let my head bow in return to let him know I approved the plan.

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