Volume I: IX*

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It was getting late. I waited until the clock chimed nine times. I didn't want to risk being seen. In the Room of Requirement, I pulled out the vials of invisibility potion. I placed one in my pocket for later, just in case.

I held the other in my hand. The bottle was smooth and cold. Silvery liquid slithered through the glass. I popped off the cork as if I were celebrating my own graduation, and I brought the vial to my lips.

I expected it to have a glittery flavor, but instead it tasted metallic. It sat on my palate for longer than I would've wished.

And just like that I could feel the blood rush right to my heart. I shut my eyes from the jolt of pressure. A whistling ran through my ears. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I wouldn't be seen.

I took no care in the hallways since I was concealed. However, I tried to keep myself silent. I had a feeling the ghosts could still see me if they attempted.

I cracked the library door and placed my face close to look inside. No one was there. Maybe the librarian went home for summer?

I closed the door quietly behind me.

"Sebastian?" I whispered. "Where are you?"

But Sebastian didn't appear. He didn't come embrace me or yell out, "There you are." Nothing. I was misled.

I sat down in one of the chairs. I had never felt so hopeless. I put my head down and crossed my arms over the top of me.

I shut my eyes for a few seconds and awoke to hear a faint buzzing.

What in Merlin's—

The hair on the top of my head felt as if it were brushed by a Jobberknoll. Much to my disappointment, it was just another flying book. It was probably a missing part of my field guide.

I stood up silently. I raised my wand ever so slightly and whispered the summoning charm, "Accio."

It bolted toward me and clasped into my hand.

I held the small book in my hands. I turned it over to see what it was. The title read:

Wraiths and Other Forbidden Figures

I flipped the paperback open. The spine was cracked. I opened it gently, and it reverted itself to its familiar page. The top of the faded paper stated, "Wraiths and the Unforgivables." Someone had underlined specific phrases with a quill and ink.

"Wraiths are not born; they are conjured. These do not appear from creation spells, but they arise when one casts all three Unforgivable Curses."

What was Sebastian alluding to? Wasn't he wanting me to save him in Azkaban? Or was I to create my own Dementor? I did not understand this motive. I kept reading.

"The conjurarion of that much dark magic creates a cloud that develops and therein forms a Dementor. These have been used to torture Azkaban prisoners, so that they do not have the will to escape."

I turned the page to see a small sheet tucked into the center crease of the book.

I pulled it out and unfolded it. Scrawled diagonally was the following:

You're too brilliant for your own good, darling. Prepare yourself. You and Ominis need to make your way to my old home in Feldcroft. - Sebastian

Another adventure? And Ominis is still upset with me. I could not be more sure of that. I sighed.

My legs started to tingle, as if I had been sitting too long. Oh no. The potion was wearing off.

Tick. Tock. That was the first chime.

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