Volume II: LXXVI

121 9 1

Marat's Point-of-View
The Gaunt Manor
Late July 1896

I could feel the anger burning off me. I reminded myself of my father, but it had been too difficult to relax at that point. "You let him hold our child? What has gotten into you?"

"Marat. Stop. This is serious." Iskra's tone flattened with each word. Her reddened face and bloodshot eyes told me everything I needed to know about her state of mind, even if her voice was low-pitched.

I watched her newly-formed scales raise off of her chest, and I retreated. "Okay. Just show me the interaction. Present the memory to the forefront of your thoughts, so I don't have to meddle. You know I hate that." My fingers rubbed viciously against my forehead.

Her scales and temper simmered down, and I entered her thoughts.

Xilia floated over to the front door. She hadn't opened it immediately, even though incessant knocking ensued. Her shoulders moved up and down three times, very slowly. As if she were trying to calm herself down or prepare for some monumental news.

Her wiry fingers opened the front door to see Phineas Nigellus Black standing there. He appeared warmer in this mannner.

He took both Xilia's hands in his and kissed them. "Xilia Burke Gaunt. The epitome of pureblood status. Thank you for allowing me to visit your home on such short notice." His tone was surprisingly wavering and strained in her presence.

"The pleasure is mine, Phineas. Now, what order needed immediate attention?" Her black eyes skimmed over him, as if he were a a magical beast and she a poacher.

"It's about the sacrifice. Do you have everything ready?" The sweaty hands he had grasping at Xilia's fingers tightened.

Xilia's eyes rolled, so that only the whites were visible. "Do you mistake me for a fool, Phineas Black? Of course I am prepared. The child will go without a fight. They are complicit."

Phineas practically jumped for joy. His hands flew up into the air and shook with excitement. "Perfect, Xil. I will see you at the end of August, then. With your confidence about the event, I'm sure I do not need to send the address."

Xilia leviosoed Phineas into the air and purred, "No. I think I can manage."

Her wrist moved on its other end before he shot throught the opening. She slammed the heavy, wooden door in his face and whisked around to tend to whatever it was she needed to do.

That was all Iskra had on her, but it counted as incriminating evidence to me.

"So, you want me to bring Sebastian in here? So, he can do what? Try to seduce you again?" The heat began radiating off me once again.

"No, Marat," her tone was ice, "Merlin, can't you just accept help when it's offered? Please?"

Just like that, the cold melted into something soft. She was begging me. I watched her face twist from pain to worry.

"I'm sorry, Iskra. I am. I'm just not used to feeling jealous." I opened my arms and waited for her. "Could I have an embrace?"

She strolled over to me and buried her face into my chest. I wound my arms around her and inhaled her cinnamon scent to calm down.

I will admit that she felt weaker and more feeble than she had previously. We still had an entire month to complete the process, but her body seemed exhausted already. The thought of it failing and killing her skimmed my thoughts, and I shook them away as quickly as they appeared.

"Alright. When will Sebastian—"

One, loud knock echoed on the chamber door. I looked at Iskra, and she kept her eyes locked on me while she inched over to the entrance.

She pulled open the door and invited the shadowed figure standing in the corridor inside.

Sebastian stood awkwardly after pushing the door shut. His eyes were wide, and he looked as if he were going to hurl onto the floor.

"It's not Markov. It's Morganna."

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