Volume I: IV

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"Aren't you excited about the House Cup Celebration?" Poppy squealed. She was jumping up and down from elation or maybe the Butterbeer from earlier in Hogsmeade.

"Yes, Poppy! I actually am. This school year was...overwhelming. I think I need a break," I half-sighed and half-laughed. It didn't come out right, making me sound as if I was breathless. However, just thinking about this year produced an incurable exhaustion in me.

"Are you going home to your family in the summer?" Natty's eyebrows raised. She was always so intrigued by my background since I never discussed my own home life.

"We'll just have to see. I know I'm going to visit Poppy and her grandma, and I was supposed to stay at Seb—"

My face twisted. I attempted to smooth it out as quickly as it turned sour.

"I'll stop you there. No need to bring it up. Let's talk about something else." Natty alleviated the situation perfectly.

Poppy and Natty were discussing summer plans and their grades on their O.W.L.s, and I couldn't help but think of him. I hoped he turned up at the House Cup. If I could have seen him one more time before he went away, I would have been alright.

The great hall doors opened up, and the most beautiful scene was brought into view. The floating candles were especially bright today, and the tables were filled with the most delectable foods you could have ever imagined.

I paused and inhaled. I held my breath. I looked over to the Slytherin table, only to see Ominis by himself. I let out an exasperated sigh. Sebastian must have already been sent to Azkaban, or he was at least in his trial by now if he pleaded not guilty.

I strolled over to Ominis, hoping he would at least forgive me for the moment.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked. I raised an eyebrow and forced myself to smile. I didn't need him thinking I was still upset over Sebastian.

He smirked and said wryly, "Only if you are."

The ceremony was eventful in its own way. I was recognized for my efforts, and our house won. It was a fantastic ending to a bittersweet year.

In my seat, I leaned forward. My fingers brushed against something underneath the table. I grasped the thin object with my hands. My brows drew together. An envelope?

What in Merlin's name?

I pulled it out slowly and quietly, worried Ominis might hear me. I turned it over. In small scribbled letters it said:

Read Me. - Sebastian

My mouth gaped and quickly shut. I was sure Ominis could hear my teeth smashing together.

I shoved the envelope into my robe sleeve and excused myself to the washroom. I didn't want to risk anyone seeing this letter. Just in case.

I locked myself in one of the Kelly green stalls and leaned against the door. I pulled the envelope out of my sleeve. I felt like a little kid at Christmas. I ripped open the letter as fast I could.

The page was blank. Nothing written on the front or back. Nothing witty or charming or even sarcastic. I felt cheated. Knowing Sebastian, there had to be a catch.

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