Volume II: XXII

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I heard some of the commotion between Ominis and his brother, but I had known better than to enter the scene without being called upon.

I truly could not imagine what Ominis was going through. I peered down at the main foyer. The door had slammed shut so forcefully that the chandelier was still shaking. I wondered what would end up happening if Milton were sentenced to Azkaban. Perhaps Xilia would have me killed.

But perhaps I deserved it.

My hands were gripping the railing as I was deep in thought when I felt a hand press against my own. Morganna had appeared almost out of thin air.

"I had asked Uncle Ominis to spend some time with you today. I hope you don't mind." Morganna bit her lip staring at the empty area below the banister.

I smiled and reassured her, "Of course I don't mind, Morganna. However, I am curious. Why didn't Marat let you accompany them to the Ministry?" My brows furrowed.

As much as Marat was an ass, he would have done anything for his children. And I knew Morganna would love the idea of Milton getting locked up for an eternity. I smiled to myself at the thought.

Morganna's voice was softer than normal, "I'm far too young to go, and, even worse, I still haven't shown any signs of my powers coming in." Her eyes glowered at the thought. She appeared more tired today than usual, with new dark circles resting underneath her eyelashes.

I attempted to console her but knew how it felt to be an outcast, "My magic didn't come in until I turned ten. Everybody is different. I wouldn't fret too much about it since you still have three years." I pulled her into a hug and placed my hand behind her head. I smoothed her hair to comfort her.

She peered up at me. Her sapphire eyes watered looking into mine. Tears began trailing down her cheeks. One by one, they trickled off her chin. I knelt down next to her and wiped away the remnants of her sorrows.

Morganna continued as her voice grew constricted, "Mother Xilia has started to seem apprehensive about my future. Every other Gaunt had developed their magic at my age. I'm due to turn eight at the end of October." She brought her hands up to her head, like Ominis did when he was stressed.

I offered an embrace to help soothe her. She climbed into my arms and wept. "Even if you emerge a squib, I will still love you as my own daughter." I brushed her dampened hair away from her face.

She turned to face me. Her widened gaze did not move from mine. "If all goes awry, would you adopt me? Really and truly?" Water lined her lower lids once again.

"I promise," My voice was tense as I held back my own tears.

Morganna held her small hand out to me and extended her littlest finger. "Pinky promise?" Her tone was almost a whisper when I grasped our pinkies together. I nodded at her with a wide grin on my face, and she let out a breathy laugh in return.

"Uncle Ominis said we couldn't do anything too strenuous today since you need your strength." Morganna's tone had a hint of curiosity. Her eyes narrowed only slightly while her lips pulled to the side. She appeared deep in thought.

"What happened to you when I left? I heard you heaving before Xilia shooed me out of the corridor," she was serious in her inflection. Her eyes had a gray hue to them in this lighting.

I hadn't known how much I was allowed to share. Ominis was unaware about the blood purification process that Milton's wives endured, so the procedure must have been more secretive than I originally believed it to be.

"Do you know about your ancestors?" I asked innocently. I needed to gauge her understanding. She might not even know about their Greek descent.

"I have been told that Salazar Slytherin was the most powerful wizard to graze the Earth during his time. He was very fond of Unforgivable Curses and pureblood status, which is why I should have my powers by now." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Xilia and Kassia must have kept their past from both her and Marvolo.

"I will let you know more when you're older, but I'll let you in on this." I pulled my blouse down to expose just my collarbone. My new mark shone against the light from the windows.

Morganna inhaled sharply at the sight. "What is that?" She had stood up in shock.

"Your skin resembles a serpent!" She exclaimed. "You are truly the most brilliant witch to join this family in Gaunt history! I swear it." She kept eyeing the white scales on my skin.

"Can I touch it?" Her voice was quiet as she stared in awe.

I laughed at the request. "Uh, sure."

Her fingers grazed the skin too lightly, and the scales lifted themselves off my skin like wings on a Thestral.

"Ouch!" Morganna yelled as she pulled her finger away.

"Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I had no idea the skin was able to shield itself like that." My voice lowered while I muttered to myself, "It hadn't done that to Ominis." The mark must have been a defense mechanism. How strange.

"Why was Uncle Ominis touching your scales?" Morganna's question lingered in the air.

"No reason in particular." My voice was high-pitched. "Come on, let's get your finger bandaged, you little boggart." I smiled at her.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs to follow her. "Klein!" She yelled. "I need help!"

Klein apparated in the middle of the foyer and took her hand from mine. He moved his hand across hers and the cut disappeared.

"That will be all," her voice was loud and direct. She whispered to him, "Thank you." Klein winked as he disapparated back to wherever he had came from.

"My father had told me you are oblivious to Wizard's Chess. Please. I would love to teach you." She grinned widely and gestured for me to follow her to the veranda where I first encountered her father. She skipped lightly to the patio.

I had wondered about what would happen to her if she were to not gain her powers. I made a mental note to ask Ominis about it when he returned.

I sat across from Morganna. Her head barely reached above the table while she moved her first piece.

"Your turn." She said as she rubbed her hands together and smiled deviously.

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