Volume I: III

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I awoke with my head cradled in Ominis' hands. I could not quite decipher his lip movement, but it sounded like he was speaking Parseltongue to me. He very well could have been. I dozed in and out of consciousness many times.

My eyes flew open at the sound of the grandfather clock in the corner. Ominis was across the room.

"Oh. You're awake. I made some tea." He said, seeming shocked that I was alive. Ominis glided over to the sitting area with a cup and saucer. The noise it made clanking together was soothing. It reminded me of home.

"How long have I been lying here?" I asked, worried that he had spent his entire day with me.

"Well it's midnight, so most of the day and then some," he mentioned gently. A faint line rested on his forehead. It seemed he had been fretting over something.

I placed my hands over my face. Poor Ominis. He was constantly worried about everyone else but himself. Why didn't he just go back to his quarters?

"Have you spoken to Sebastian?" I asked him frantically. I glanced around the Room to see if he had somehow appeared.

Ominis wasn't the best at hiding his facial expressions. If anything, they were exaggerated since he didn't know how they were perceived.

The corners of his mouth curled down, and his brow furrowed slightly. He seemed upset that I asked.

"I come here to speak with you about how I would defend you over Sebastian. And then I nurse you back to health, and the only thing you're concerned about is him?" Ominis appeared offended.

He stood up briskly and wiped the dust off his robes. He nodded at me as if to say, "Good day," and then left.

Maybe Ominis was right. I was neglecting everyone except Sebastian. And why? What did he do other than manipulate me? He never loved me. He just wanted me to save Anne.

But then again, I just thought if Anne were saved, then maybe we would have been able to be together in peace. No distractions. Just us two, against the world.

It seemed that was near impossible now.

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