Volume II: XIV

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Ominis squeezed my hand under the table. My stomach was quivering to the point that I felt I might have hurled. Thankfully, Kassia entered the room swiftly and distracted the entire crowd.

Her dark hair swayed only slightly while her pale green eyes darted around the scene. She was unearthly beautiful as she maneuvered through the sea of faces peered toward her.

Her face twisted when she made her way over the head table. I could hear Xilia scoffing as Kassia took her place next to me.

Music filled the space as the violinists began their melody along the back stone wall.

The veranda where Marat and I had tea had been completely transformed.

The room was larger now, and there was a skylight over the entire area. The moon shone brightly upon us. Wax candles lined the tables as some braziers were scattered around the patio to improve the ambiance. Arched windows still paneled the room, and cobblestone lining the floor made the same clacking noises under our feet like before.

Circular cast iron tables were added to accommodate the guests while blue pieces of fabric draped themselves over the smooth, round surfaces. Neatly assorted silverware and glasses surrounded the silver plates in front of each guest.

Our table appeared different. It was long and rectangular, and the sheet covering it had the most elegant patterns. The flatware and flutes presented in front of me were etched with gold, unlike the plain tableware for the other attendees.

Ominis and I were centered with Morganna on Ominis' side and Kassia on mine.

Xilia, Marat, and Marvolo sat beside Kassia while Sebastian, Orion, and Milton followed on Morganna's section of the table.

Ominis' chair scuffed against the stone as he pushed it out from underneath him. He stood up and began buttoning his coat. I could feel his fingers grazing the edge of my chair before he called the attention of the group.

I watched intently as he strolled toward the empty space in the middle of the veranda. His wand glowed near his face. I could see him close and open his eyes slowly. He was nervous.

He began conjuring what appeared to be a plant. I squinted hard to see it until it bloomed before my eyes. A Wiggentree.

Ominis had sprouted it from the ground, parting the stone. It was about as tall as Morganna, and it had multiple branches with little leaves stemming about.

Ominis gestured for me to accompany him beside the tree. "Come." His voice was stern, almost dominating. He had to establish himself in this moment.

All the eyes in the room were on him. Not me. Thank Merlin. "This magical sapling resembles the trials of our union." Ominis' face was stoic. He wound my fingers in his and placed them against the tree. I could feel a small burst of energy brewing in my core.

"To touch a Wiggentree is to rid of the darkness around you," He hesitated while my eyes flickered to Sebastian, "and we have been so fortunate to come out into the light. Tonight, we will bask under the stars and the moonlight and join as one."

Ominis brought himself directly in front of me and knelt down. His voice was but a whisper, "Antoinette Madeleine Delacour. Will you grant me the pleasure of living out the rest of my days beside you?" He thumbed his pocket and pulled out a pale blue box.

He guided his other hand and drew it open.

I gasped at the ring. My eyes instantly felt hot and welled with tears. The heat spread to my cheeks and filled me with warmth. There was a large sapphire set in a silver band. It was thin but had immense detailing around the stone.

"Yes, Ominis. There is no doubt in my mind." I took his cheeks in my palms, and he pulled himself up to face toward me. His smile was softer than before when he had asked me in the Vivarium. He took my hand gingerly in his as he slid the band toward the end of my finger.

Xilia rose from her spot at the head table. Her hands were pressed so stiffly against it that her tendons were poking against her skin.

"Ominis Florian Gaunt. As an heir to Salazar Slytherin, there are certain obligations you must fulfill when entering a lawful partnership." For once, her stale voice waxed and waned as she emphasized choice words.

"You are required to sire at least one child. Your loyalty must lie with this family, regardless of plight. Fail to do so will result in the renouncing of your title, and you will be banished from this family." Her eyes stared straight ahead, not meeting mine or Ominis.'

It was a binding agreement, even if it was only the engagement.

"Your union will be sanctioned within the next thirty days and be bound by Sanguimancy. The time leading up to the wedding will be utilized to purify your blood." Ominis pressed his hand against mine.

"Your dame must comply. If not, she will be acquainted with Merlin himself. Do you take full responsibility for her and her actions?" Xilia lowered her head and narrowed her eyes at Ominis, as if he could see her.

"I do." Ominis spoke curtly. I could hear the faintest hissing sound escaping his lips.

His body leaned against me, and he pressed his lips against my cheek. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment between us.

When I opened them, Xilia's eyes were piercing against mine. Was it hatred? Anguish? I had no way of discerning her discontentment.

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