Volume II: IV

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I could feel Ominis' hand tensing in mine. My eyes met his for once, and I couldn't help but notice that the glaze covering his irises was worse than before.

He had said he chose not to return to the estate for three years. It was soon after Sebastian and Anne had come to visit with him. But he never elaborated as to why.

Orion and Milton were nowhere in sight while Marat carried Marvolo on his hip. The toddler's eyes observed me; his gaze was unwavering.

Ominis had brought Anne here. It was not as if they had never seen him bring a girl to the grounds.

Ocassionally, Marat's eyes would peer over his shoulder and lock onto mine. I stared back with narrowed eyes. There was no reason to show fear.

Ominis released his grasp from mine and wrapped his arm around my waist. His torso folded over me while we made our way toward the manor. I could feel a warmth on the top of my head as he pressed his lips into my hair. Ominis' voice was muffled against me as he said, "I long for you. I love you."

Morganna had turned around at the shuffling noises between us. Her eyes flickered to me and then Ominis. A wide, toothy smile had formed on her face. I brought my hand up and waved at her.

It seemed that Ominis favored Morganna, and I wanted her to approve of me. However, I had no desire to appease the rest of the family.

We entered through the hole in the trees from before. A loud whooshing sound encompassed us when we passed through the protective barrier. It was still dark outside, but the multiple braziers illuminated the fortress.

The manor resembled a castle built for a small village. There were numerous turrets and exceptionally crafted stained glass windows. The stone steps leading up to the ground appeared steep.

Ominis relinquished his grasp when Morganna turned around and reached for Ominis. "Can you carry me like you used to? I've missed you, Uncle Omi." Her voice had a singsong quality to it.

I watched Ominis pick Morganna up and carry her over his shoulder. A slew of laughter and giggles escaped her. The interaction between them made me smile.

I walked beside Sebastian. He grabbed my hand to get my attention. "Time for a proper Gaunt welcome." He winked at me and nodded toward the castle.

Everyone stood behind me as I approached the enormous wooden door. Its crescent shape reminded me of The Undercroft.

I raised my hand in a fist to knock at the door, but right when my hand made contact with it, the door opened abruptly.

A tall, thin woman with hair down to her waist greeted me. The hair that grew at the top of her head had speckles of gray and white covering her long black mane.

Stars seemed to reflect from the moonlight onto her obsidian eyes. They narrowed naturally. She did not bare much resemblance to Ominis, except they shared their sharp nose and high cheekbones. It must have been a Greek trait.

She did not speak to me. I wanted to look back toward Ominis and Sebastian for help. I had no idea what she expected of me.

I decided to treat the family as if they were royalty. Maybe that was what she was looking for?

I lowered my head and pliéd. I took my tattered skirt in my hands, pulled it to opposing sides, and sunk into a curtsy.

"It is an honor." I said blankly. My head was still facing the ground.

She lifted her fingers under my chin and pushed my face to meet hers, "You may face me. What is your name, young one?" Her face was poised, serious.

"Antoinette." I said hoping my voice sounded confident. I assumed she wanted a formal introduction, so I added, "Antoinette Delacour."

Her eyes widened just enough for me to notice. She wrapped her hand around my wrist and drug me inside, "Come. I must inspect you."

The room was dark until she took her wand and lit the candles sitting inside a chandelier. My eyes danced around the room while the woman fiddled with parchment on the table.

The paneled walls were painted a pewter green, and the ceiling was coffered. I looked down at my worn shoes to see Cypress wood underneath me.

The furniture in the room was sparse, but it resembled what Ominis had used to redecorate our room in the cottage.

She finished writing something down and spun around to me. Her voice sounded velvety, "I suppose proper introduction is necessary. I am the matriarch of the estate," She extended her hand toward me to shake, "Xilia Burke Gaunt."

I grasped her hand tightly while she shook only once. Interesting. Ominis admitted they were not truly Burkes. Seemed the family would attempt to keep secrets from me.

"This is preliminary. I have to check you for items that might cause the family harm." Her voice was stale now as she patted me down quickly.

"I am aware of the tension between you and my son. I need to assess you for family purity, if something were to happen." Her voice trailed off while her eyes flickered toward my stomach. Why in Merlin's name would she think we were not using contraceptive potion?

"Hold your arm out," Xilia commanded.

I drew my sleeve back, and she brought her wand to my forearm. The onyx spiraled wood drove into my skin, and I could feel heat prickling. The pain from her wand felt like a knife as it absorbed my blood.

Her voice was soft when she told me, "Almost done." She whisked back over to the small table and began dripping the blood into small vials. She looked over her shoulder and casually said, "Strip."

"Excuse me?" My voice was tense.

"I need to inspect your skin and body for imperfections. Merlin knows we do not need any more of those in this family." She rolled her eyes and turned back to what she was concocting.

I scoffed. Based on her son's reactions to us entering the grounds, I decided to oblige. My coat was heavy as I flung it onto the floor. My shoes squeaked when they were untied. I removed my dress and underskirt quietly.

Her hands were pressed against her stomach when she faced me. The long emerald dress she wore scurried under her while she approached me. I could see her eyebrows raise as she looked at my face.

Xilia took her wand and used it to examine me. She pushed my face either way with it, and she moved it under my elbows as if to instruct me to lift them.

"Tsk, tsk," Xilia's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth. She began writing on her parchment, "Small white scar to left cheek. However did you get it?" Her voice was curious but condescending.

I had a feeling this family craved violence. She would most likely be proud.

"You should ask your son." I raised my chin in the air and clenched my jaw at her.

Her eyes grew twice in size while mine softened.

"He did this to you?" Her voice was like fire. She handed me a robe that I hurriedly put on, and she stormed through the front door.

Xilia's body was shaking from rage while she stood, facing the crowd outside.

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