Volume I: XXXI

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My fingers were closing the last button on Ominis' shirt as we heard a loud crash in the corner of the room. One of the stools had fallen where Sebastian and Professor Sharp appeared.

Sebastian walked over to us with his arms extended. He pulled both me and Ominis into a bear hug. He stepped back and smiled at us.

"I need a new wand. Who's up for Hogsmeade?" Sebastian said as his smile grew wider.

I wished in that moment that Ominis could exchange a glance because it did not make any sense as to why Sebastian would be happy right now. Anne was in Azkaban. Was that what he wanted?

Ominis grabbed my hand while we meandered through the halls. This was probably our last time in the castle until summer ended. Sebastian was under the impression he only needed a new wand. We needed to find a new home, as well.

I broke the silence after we made our way toward the courtyard, "So, Sebastian, you had said you wanted to talk?" I chewed my bottom lip. I worried about what kind of adventure he had planned for us.

"Well, yes," his tone became serious, "I need to say this to you, so you know what my intentions were." He took a deep breath in.

He sighed, "I had no idea that Anne would have ever considered using Amortentia, especially on you. Her behavior was rash. I agree. But I never knew her to be true evil." He looked toward the ground and fiddled with his robe.

Ominis spoke up, "I think the curse and time alone had taken a toll on her as a person, but there's really no excuse." He stared straight ahead as he spoke. His expression was unwavering.

Sebastian nodded in agreement as he expressed regret, "I just wanted to apologize for what happened. For the parts I could control." He swallowed loudly and looked over at me for approval.

My eyebrows drew together slightly as I said softly, "It's alright, Sebastian. I know you meant well. The entire situation reminds me of what the centaurs would say," I mimicked their wise voices as I said, "'It's written in the stars.'" I smiled over at Sebastian.

Ominis squeezed my hand gently. Sebastian walked in front of me and Ominis. He turned around and began walking backwards. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Ominis asked as he looked down in my direction.

"Nothing, really," I said while Sebastian began making hand signals at me.

He pointed to me and mouthed, "Will you," he gestured his hands as if to say 'move closer' and placed his finger toward his chest, "Come with me," he moved his finger right under his lips, "To talk?"

I mouthed back in annoyance, "Why?"

Sebastian put his hands together in front of him and mouthed, "Please." He put extra emphasis on the "E," and smiled wryly at me.

I scoffed and shook my head. I was done with Sebastian's drama. He locked eyes with me and formed a heart with his hands. He put it up in the air and then let his hands fall as he turned around the right way.

We approached Ollivander's and let Sebastian enter alone. Choosing a wand, even if it was a second one, was an intimate experience. There was no need for Ominis and I to be present.

I turned to Ominis and said quietly, "I think Sebastian is still trying to pursue me."

Ominis' face scrunched in disapproval as he asked, "What makes you say that?"

My nostrils flared, and I huffed to myself, "I don't know. I just have a feeling."

Ominis shrugged his shoulders and commented, "I do not harbor any worry. I know where your loyalty lies." His palm found its way onto the small of my back. He traveled a little further down to put his hand over my skirt. He pressed his fingertips against me.

I pulled away and laughed, "Ominis, stop. You know that people can see you doing that. We're in public!" It almost felt like I were scolding him.

He chuckled to himself and bent down to whisper in my ear, "I want people to know your heart only belongs to me." I felt a warmth on my cheek as Ominis kissed me.

My eyes flickered up toward the shop window to see Sebastian staring out at us. "I think they know," I murmured.

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