Volume I: XLVIII

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Ominis and I walked downstairs to prepare for the journey ahead. Pensieve magic tended to be particularly strong, but we planned to see if my ancient magic could destroy it.

If not, we only had one backup arrangement. We would need to locate a cave in the Forbidden Forest and seal the pensieve inside.

I could see Sebastian in the sitting area. The top of his head was the only part of him visible while he seemed enthralled in a novel. His head cocked to one side as he looked up at me and smiled, "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit." He winked at me and Ominis.

Ominis heavily sighed and aimed his wand at the book. He flicked the pages, so that Sebastian lost his spot.

"Hey, what did Twelfth Night ever do to you?" Sebastian's brows scrunched together as he slammed the book closed.

I couldn't help myself. I burst into tears laughing. The irony. Even if he had no recollection of our love triangle, he still seemed to attempt to relive it within Shakespeare's romantic comedy.

I heard Ominis' teeth grind together. I cleared my throat to compose myself. I looked over to him and saw his jaw pulsing. He balled his hands up into fists and audibly huffed.

"It was just a joke, Omi," I put my hand on his shoulder. "Try to relax," I whispered into his ear. His body eased under my touch.

"We'll be heading out today. Please do not wreck anything, and for the love of Merlin, please keep women out of the cottage. Go to a brothel instead," Ominis laughed to himself and took my hand.

"Not to worry. Imelda invited me out for some flying near Feldcroft. She'll keep me occupied there." Sebastian winked at me and sat down. He looked confident as he ran his hand through his hair and leaned against the armchair.

"Ominis, I think I'm going to stop by Garreth's today. What's in that contraceptive potion you use?" Sebastian drummed his fingers against his lips. It's as if he remembered, like he was teasing me.

Ominis frowned and his voice was scolding, "You and I both know Garreth has the ingredients and knows the recipe. Could you not be an ass for just a moment?"

Sebastian smacked his hands against his thighs and stood, "Don't you worry, Omi. I'll go be an ass someplace else," he walked up to Ominis and gave him a peck on the cheek and hurriedly ran out of the cottage.

"He truly is an idiot," Ominis muttered softly.

"But he's your idiot." I said to lighten the mood. I grabbed his waist and pulled him into my arms. Ominis took his hand and lifted my chin toward him. His mouth met mine leisurely. Once he pulled away, he pressed his lips against my forehead. I could feel his smile forming against my skin.

We had put a Floo Flame statue right beside the cottage for easier access. Ominis and I both took our powder and flung it on the ground. Our voices were staggered as we both claimed, "The Undercroft."

It appeared darker today, and the pensieve was truly the elephant in the room. I had wondered if Ominis had engaged with the memories but knew better than to ask. I had no desire to plant the idea in his head.

Ominis nodded at me, and I began to channel my ancient magic. The blue orb swirled and grew between my hands until I thrust it at the pensieve.

A giant turquoise flash of light beamed throughout the room. Small sounds from the memory echoed against the walls. Thank Merlin an image did not present itself. Although, it would have been better that way since Ominis could still hear.

Sebastian's voice was clear as day through the pensieve, "I have never seen you look so beautiful. The moonlight shines against your skin in a way I could have never imagined."

I thought quickly while Sebastian's groaning ensued inside of the pensieve. If I continued to cast more, it would release more memories. I needed to try anything to stop the cease the the remembrance. 

I aimed my wand directly at his voice and cast, "Reparo!"

The blue illumination returned to the pensieve, and the memories stopped projecting themselves. The stone basin looked exactly as it had before.

"I guess that means our first plan failed. Onto the second." I felt defeated. Merlin forbid that another ancient magic wielder come across this pensieve. I was appalled at the thought.

Ominis took his wand and quietly cast, "Wingardium Leviosa." The pensieve floated effortlessly as we walked out of The Undercroft. I brought my wand up and cast at the stone to lighten the load from Ominis' grasp.

We walked for what felt like hours. It was silent. I hadn't known what to say.

"It's alright that you loved him," Ominis' voice was hoarse. "I just didn't expect to hear..." His voice trailed off.

"I was surprised you had not viewed it for yourself. The pensieve memory might have given you an idea of what I look like. Although, I am not aware of how it works with someone who is blind." My eyes stuck to the ground as I bit my lip out of nervousness.

"I already know what you look like. I've felt every part of you." Ominis smiled in my direction. He laughed softly.

He continued as his smile faded, "But you're right. I will never know how the sunlight makes your eyes gleam or even the color of them. I can feel when you smile, but I do not have any idea what your teeth or lips resemble. If we had children, I wouldn't know if they got your nose or mine." Ominis grabbed a handful of his hair as he breathed deeply.

"Sebastian and you both will experience that, and I will always regret not being able to give you life's full experience." Small tears escaped Ominis' eyes. I dropped the pensieve and stood in front of him.

"Don't speak like that!" I almost commanded him. "I would not be here with you if I wasn't madly in love with you. My eyes only gleam when I'm staring into yours, and it doesn't matter the color. I have a chipped tooth from falling off my bicycle as a kid, but you can only see it when I open my mouth. I have a prominent Cupid's bow that I have despised since birth. And as for children, it doesn't matter what they look like as long as they are healthy." I was out of breath when I was done yelling at him.

Ominis dropped the pensieve as I wound my arms around him. I hugged more tightly than I ever had. I looked up at him, my eyes watering, "You've thought about having children with me?"

Ominis' lips formed a small smile. His cheeks flushed just enough for me to notice. His head moved over the top of mine as he breathed into my hair, "Yes. Of course. I want to create life with you. A family."

I felt tearful. My vision was slightly blurry until I blinked on Ominis' robe. "I long for you," he said as he pulled away and lifted the pensieve again.

Before I knew it, we had reached the abandoned tomb. I helped Ominis levitate the stone basin into the cave. Once we made our way to the bottom, Ominis leviosoed multiple rocks and threw them on top of the pensieve. That was one way to get his frustration out.

We re-emerged from the cavern, and I began my protective charm. The spell was not too complex, but it required intense focus. I finished my last loop with my wand and took Ominis' hand.

We apparated back to the cottage to plan for the next month. Between my auror position and leaving to stay with his family, we needed a schedule to follow.

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