Volume I: XVI*

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"Lumos." I held my wand up close to my face. Ominis did the same.

Behind the table, a shadowy figure levitated above the ground. It looked as if someone dyed a sheet with blueberries and placed it on their head. The ends of its garb were tattered. It lifted its hand to its face.

With spindly fingers, it pulled its mouth open to reveal a set of jagged teeth. The light from my wand shone on onto a face that resembled a skull. It swept itself along the floor toward me. It inched itself closer and closer until I felt a pull from my core.

All of my cherished thoughts and memories were slowly drifting away from me. My eyes grew tired. I gripped my wand harder and gritted my teeth.

I felt as if I were hallucinating. I could see visions in front of me that the wraith continued engulfing. I cast my wand at them and channeled ancient magic. My wand produced a spark of blue. The shimmery trail emitting from my wand seemed to resemble an animal. I could not quite discern what it was.

The wraith let out a blood curdling scream as it crashed against the wall. It screeched at me. I pulled harder.

My visions returned to me. Thankfully, my memories were restored. My wand felt like ice in my hand. Somehow, I was performing the same magic the Dementor had upon me.

Swirls of black magic began entering the end of my wand.

I was pulling out its pain.

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. After all this time...

I knew that I could inhale this to make myself stronger, but this was too dark of magic. I knew better.

I let go of my focus toward the wraith and instead blasted it with ancient magic. Its body dissolved into tiny flickers of sapphire.

"Ominis!" I yelled out of delight. "I did it. I channeled the same magic that Isidora was able to conjure!" My eyes gleamed. I was in shock.

"This calls for celebration, darling." Ominis went over to another stone and hit it the same as he did earlier. Out popped the stone, and a bottle rolled out onto Ominis' hand.

Ominis held it away from his body and used his wand, "Depulso!" He said excitedly. The cork popped off and white smoke spewed from the opening.

He handed me the bottle. It was warm, but the liquid felt cool against my throat. I was parched. I kept drinking.

Ominis approached me and pulled my hand down. "Hold on, love. You cannot drink that much of this at one time. I don't need you inebriated. I want you to be aware of this."

He set the vial down and pulled me onto Sebastian's bed. He made his way on top of me. He slowly pulled off his cloak. He let it fall to the floor as his arms moved up behind his neck to pull off his sweater.

I don't think he knew how beautiful he really was. His hazed eyes locked against mine for once. My gaze traced his body. His shoulders were broader than they seemed under his robes. His biceps flexed as he bent forward and reached for my face.

He groaned as his lips met mine. I pulled away slightly and turned my head toward his forearm, his veins pulsing against my cheek. His breath felt hot against my neck as he started kissing me.

I moved my fingers toward my blouse. I began to undo the buttons as quickly as I could manage. His hand gently caressed my breast. He squeezed slowly and continued to explore down my back and under my skirt.

He climbed out of bed and started taking off the rest of his clothes. I obliged and did the same. I could feel my heart pounding and the warmth between my legs quivering.

Ominis laid by my side in Sebastian's bed.

His fingers slowly traced my face. He slid them down my neck and paused at my chest. He fondled my breasts once more and brought his face to my core.

He started pressing his lips to my skin. It sent currents down me. I longed for him. Ominis' moved downward toward my stomach and smoothed his lips against where I had never been kissed.

He brought himself between my thighs, and I could feel his mouth hovering right over my pussy. I could hear the faintest hissing noises—

I moaned. His split tongue surrounded my clit. He pressed inside where I yearned for him. The tip of his tongue moved as if it were composing music against me. Ominis slipped a finger inside of me.

He stroked slowly. My legs shook underneath us. I could not control it. I felt as if I were under the Imperius Curse.

He finally came up for air and brought his face next to mine. I nuzzled in the nook of his neck. His hand curved around his dick.

He turned me over on my back. I put my legs around the middle of his waist. His hand guided himself inside me. I gasped as his hard cock molded itself into me.

Ominis shuddered and let out an eager moan. He began pressing himself further inside of me and pulling away only slightly. My body contracted with each of his thrusts.

A whimper escaped my lips. I mimicked his movement and moved my hips in unison. He fit perfectly inside of me. It was electrifying. Ominis' pace quickened and his arm grabbed the bedpost for leverage.

His voice was hoarse as he groaned. His breathing picked up, and I felt his cock convulse inside of me.

His hand dropped, and he embraced me. Ominis let out a long sigh. He seemed content.

He removed himself from me, and I could feel his seed leaking out onto my thighs. He pushed my knees apart, admiring his work.

"I've claimed you. You're mine," Ominis said breathlessly. He smirked at me.

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