Volume I: XI

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"Can we speak somewhere private?" Ominis asked as he wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his robe.

I brought my hand up to his face. His jawline clenched in my palm.

"Of course, Ominis." I regrettably agreed.

"Let's go upstairs. It seems the landing is empty," Ominis gestured upward toward the loft. It seemed there was no one there.

I dropped my hand to my side in a defeated manner. He was probably going to leave me for good because of what Sirona had said.

I followed him nervously. I could feel my heart starting to beat faster in my chest.

We trudged up the stairs to the balcony. Sirona must have just done some redecorating for this area because there were now sofas, ottomans, and tables scattered about the open room.

Ominis put his wand in front of him. The tip of the wand's glow flickered. He walked toward a plush, velvety couch. The dusky blue hue of the covering paired well with his eyes.

Ominis spoke carefully, "I am feeling conflicted in this situation. The right decision has not presented itself to me yet," he swallowed hard. He set his wand to his side and placed his hands over mine.

He continued his confession, "My heart aches for you. I long for you if I am away for even a minute. Just feeling your touch against my skin elicits a fire in me that I have never known," Ominis smiled to himself.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips into my hands. He placed a hand gingerly on the nape of my neck. He pulled me close. His cheekbone grazed against mine. I felt a hot sensation behind my ear, and the hairs on my neck stood straight up. Ominis pulled the sleeve of my sweater down my shoulder and placed his lips on the edge of my collar bone.

He brought his face close to mine and whispered, "I am enchanted by you. And I believe you have a deep affection for me as well, and that thought in itself makes me feel as if I am able to see through my own eyes." He took his hand and caressed my face gently.

Ominis frowned. He seemed so serious in this moment. He sighed, "But Sebastian came first. We need to find him; and if it is true, what Sirona said, then I will let him pursue you over me." Ominis closed his eyes gently and bowed his head slightly toward me as if he were defeated.

I grabbed Ominis' cheeks in my hands. "What in Merlin's name would make you think that I would choose Sebastian over you?" My hands dropped to his shoulders. I shook my head softly. I held him close for a moment. He pulled away sooner than I would have preferred.

Ominis' gaze shifted to the ground. His voice was more muffled as he spoke under his breath, "Well. Within the first few months of your time at Hogwarts, I discovered you and Sebastian in the Undercroft practicing spells together. Remember?" His hand met his brows, and he rubbed his fingers against them as if he were able to push away the recollection.

"Sebastian never told me what had occurred in there between you two. I am not even positive I wish to know for myself," his voice wavered while his shoulders tensed. A small vein on his temple protruded from his pale skin.

He turned to face me directly. "But I can bear this no longer. I need to know what happened in the Undercroft." Ominis pleaded.

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