Volume II: LXII*

244 14 4

Marat's Point-of-View
The Gaunt Manor
August 1894

I had done my best to prepare for her arrival. Before, I contrived elaborate lies to trick Xilia into letting me leave to visit Iskra.

My favorite ruse had been that she believed I departed to spend time with Maris' family on the anniversary of her death. 'Twas a bit morbid, if I did say so myself. But it worked nonetheless.

Iskra still did not have any clue that natural legilimency had been passed down me, and I so wished I were able to tell her everything. Perhaps there was a way around Xilia's Imperius Curse.

That would have to be a feat for later.

I cast several charms and different wards on my room. One to prevent Xilia from entering. Another for soundproofing. An anti-apparition point. One could name it, and I had done it.

If anyone were to find out about our affair, I hadn't the slightest clue as to what measures Xilia would take.

She had wanted to torture Ominis' poor wife for even standing in the same room as another man. I held no regard for the old wench.

However, for the sake of the rest of my family, I had to keep the Gaunt name pure.

Thank Merlin my quarters were on the first floor; I had direct access to the elements. Her knock was faint, but I heard the rhythm we agreed upon.

I turned the door handle and opened it barely ajar. The darkness of Iskra's eyes filled the space between the wooden entrance and the moulding. I had been deliberate when I reached for her wrist.

My voice was as low as I could manage, "What is Morganna's favorite chess piece?"

Her eyes widened when I had asked for the code, "The rook," she answered, "because it can participate in castling."

My grip tightened on her skin, and I hastily pulled her inside my chamber. I sealed the door shut and wrapped my arms around her.

It had been weeks since we last saw each other and maybe a month or so since we had been intimate. I hadn't wanted to overwhelm her, but her mind probed the same ideas.

Merlin. Every time I see him, he appears even more handsome. I had wanted him to scoop me up in his arms and tend to me. I need his touch. I need—

Iskra's mind was clouded when I rounded my hands across her waist and behind her neck. My body leaned her forward into a dip, and I melded our lips together.

I had an inkling legilimency and fairness could not coexist, but I knew what she wanted. Her every thought and desire at my fingertips. I had the ability to please her unlike any other man.

I brought her back to a standing position but still held her in my grasp. I whisked her around and unzipped her dress. Slowly.

Her impulses were clear and at the forefront of her thoughts.

My fingers grazed against her spine, and with her dress still on, I drug my fingers to her stomach. They traveled further down and traced where she had already been wet.

I pulled us toward the edge of the mattress and let her body fall into mine. My fingers were still wrapped around and inside of her when she undid the bodice.

I stroked her gently. Teasing her.

Iskra layered her hands on top of mine and pressed harder against her skin, and she let out a long, exasperated moan at the feeling.

"Marat." Her breathy voice echoed in my ears.

She gripped her hands around my forearms and pulled them away from her body. When she turned around to face me, her pupils were the size of Galleons.

Her sultry fingers kneaded into my chest while she pushed me toward the bed. Her entire persona had always been intimidating but ethereal.

Alas, I preferred ones like herself, where I believed she could kill me with just a look in my direction.

I moved back just enough for Iskra to straddle me. I helped her guide myself where she pleased. I entered her with one thrust, and she whimpered at the feeling.

Her eyes locked on mine; she knew she was in control.

I let her choose the rhythm until her mind and body grew tired, and then I took over. It had been too easy, and the guilt felt worse during each rendezvous.

Her moans were incessant. The small breaths she took turned to screams when I clasped my arms around her waist and held her to me. I thrusted deeper and with more pressure each time, and I noted what satisfied her.

I wanted to please her.

Her weight became more centered when her body relaxed in my arms. The gasping emitting from her lungs turned to small exhales.

She climaxed first, and I followed. I relinquished my grasp and set her gently beside me. My fingers drew shapes and figures in her hair until Iskra fell asleep in my arms.

I was determined to tell her; she needed to know about my ability.

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