Volume II: Alternate Ending I

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Iskra's Point-of-View
Xilia's Quarters
December 1895

Xilia strolled beside me with her hand wrapped around my stomach and her other fingers grasping at mine. We sashayed in this manner until we arrived at her chamber.

I hesitantly went in first and stood, waiting for her. My posture appeared awkward as I attempted to conceal my bump. Compared to my lithe body, it stuck out like a sore thumb.

Xilia trailed behind me like a leech to blood and faced the doorway. She left the chamber open, drew her wand, and began muttering spells. Her wand work grew consistent and deliberate while it traced the edge of the opening.

Marat stared through the archway at the two of us. His face seemed so serious, and I noticed his eyes darken while Xilia flicked around to face me. Like he could have killed her.

"Iskra. I think there's a Kneazle in the room we need to discuss." She clicked her tongue and gripped the chair I sat in. Xilia let out an exasperated sigh, and then she circled over to her desk.

My chest felt heavy when her beady, black eyes looked into mine. I shot my gaze down to the floor to avoid conversation.

Though, it didn't work when Xilia spoke loudly, "You're pregnant."

This was never an interrogation. She had been aware.

"If the other Purebloods become acquainted with this mishap, I have a feeling it could be deemed an issue." She rose up out of her chair and pulled her wand from her cloak. Her presence towered over me when she aimed directly at my abdomen.

To brace myself, I shielded my forearms around my waist and shut my eyes tightly.

"Crucio!" Her menacing tone whistled in my head. It lingered while I dug my nails into the wood in front of me for stability. I've been tortured a handful of times in my time as an auror, but this was different. Pregnancy heightened the feeling.

I bit into my tongue and tasted blood, so I receded. There would never be a good way to fight this; instead, I curled up into a small ball on the ground. While Xilia kept casting, Marat's screams were evident in the background. However, everything sounded like it were underwater. My surroundings faded away in front of me.


I felt my body twitch before my eyes opened. Although, I wasn't lying on the ground anymore. Marat had been muttering healing spells over me while he held me in his arms.

When he realized I had been staring up at him, his spells switched to expressions of regret.

"Iskra. I would have taken your p-place. I-I'm sorry. The b-baby." His voice broke between each word, and tears streamed down both his scarred cheeks.

"I'm fine, Marat. Just sore." I croaked. My hoarse voice hadn't proved believable, but I truly felt alright.

I pushed myself to sit up without assistance, and as soon as I did, Marat called for Kassia.

She apparated almost immediately and knelt beside me. Her wand flew erratically in the air from her wrist movement to produce a monitoring charm.

The heartbeat had ceased.

I felt an emptiness I couldn't quite explain. The feeling caused a definite shift in my magic. Maybe even in the universe. I lost a child, but I was alive. I survived.

Without warning, Marat began screaming uncontrollably. It pierced my ears like a Mandrake, and the noise somehow deafened the room further. Kassia took her wand and cast the silencing charm directly at his mouth.

The bloodcurdling cries stopped, and Kassia warned him, "If you appear upset, Xilia will only hold it over your head longer. The next act of torture could include murdering Iskra, not just your unborn child." Her normally narrowed eyes appeared intensely open and sincere.

I assumed Kassia searched Marat's expression to see if he calmed down, and then she relinquished the spell. Marat breathed deeply at the ability to speak once again.

"Kass. Could you give us some alone time?" Marat's voice shook and seemed quieter than he'd ever been.

She nodded, got to her feet, and disapparated.

Marat folded his body over mine only to pull back and intertwine our fingers. His face appeared even more twisted than it had from his scars. "Iskra. You need to leave. I cannot put you in harm's way like this. You deserve better."

I objected, "No. There's no reason for me to go. I don't have anyone else. I promise that I can handle Xilia. I love you, Marat." The empty pit in my core filled with premeditated cries. The sobs churned and forced their way up my throat.

Marat drew his wand and pressed the wooden tip into my chest. "I love you, too, Iskra. One day you'll understand why I did this." He sighed before inhaling a large breath.

"Imperio." His voice was almost a whisper.

He kept his wand against me while his voice filled with concern, "Iskra Krum. Leave this manor and never return. Do not ever interact with a Gaunt in your lifetime. Apparate back to The Outer Hebrides and forget about me."

I felt dazed as if I had been dreaming. A man's words echoed in my head, and I couldn't quite put a name to him.

I drew my wand and did as the disembodied voice directed and apparated away.

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