Volume I: XLVII

656 22 9

Sunshine reflected through the windows in our room and created a small band of light over the bed. Ominis stirred slightly beside me while my legs were wrapped in his. I could feel his fingers tangled in my hair.

I sat up slightly to see he had conjured another clawfoot bath arrangement. The heat emitting from the tub looked heavenly. I slipped out of bed as silently as possible, so I could clean up from last night.

I grazed the edge of the bath with my finger and watched Ominis. His chest rose and fell softly; he seemed incredibly peaceful. A smile danced upon my lips as my body sunk itself in the water.

I shut my eyes for a few moments. Life really could not get better than this.

Ominis groaned slightly as he sat up in bed. He rubbed his face to wake himself up. I couldn't understand why he was so bothered by the scar on my face when his body was covered in them.

The defined tendons around his neck and chest appeared tense today. Ominis took a deep breath and the compact muscles around his ribs contracted.

His lithe body knelt down beside me. He leaned his head on my shoulder and turned into my neck. His lips were warm as he began placing small kisses over my collarbone.

"I will say you look as clear as morning roses newly washed with dew." Ominis twisted the Shakespeare quote to resemble me. He pressed down on the bottle of shampoo and began lathering my hair.

I reclined just far enough to look at him. His eyes were closed as he massaged his hands through my soft waves. "I have decided that you are right. You deserve to meet my family." His face was stoic while his eyes opened to stare straight ahead.

"Really?" My eyes widened. I took his hands off of me and rinsed my hair in the water. I kicked my legs gracefully over the tub. Ominis handed me a towel while he lowered himself into the water.

He conjured a chaise for me to sit on while he bathed. "I will take you to St. Mungo's before you begin your auror training." Ominis closed his eyes.

He seemed as if he were in pain as he continued, "My family will most likely accept you since you are able to wield ancient magic; but scars are not something they find suitable for those marrying into the family, especially for women."

"What do you mean by most likely? What if they don't accept me?" The questions spewed out of me.

"Well, you are not from a prominent family. That would be their main concern. However, if they reject you in the slightest, I will not leave your side. They would have to disown me." He made his way out of the bath carefully. I handed him his towel, and he wrapped it around his waist. The water from his hair was dripping down his chest and onto his abdomen.

Merlin, he was so beautiful. His scars shone white against the sunlight. His family were the ones that caused them, so why would they be upset that he had given me the tiniest scar imaginable. If anything, a family like his would be proud of that.

I bit my lip, debating if I should try to decline the offer. Would I be able to control myself around people who constantly put Ominis in danger? I shook my head at the thought and inhaled deeply to relax.

"I trust you," My voice was soft as I pulled Ominis into an embrace. His head folded against mine. "I want to spend the rest of eternity with you."

His voice was strained as he pulled out his wand and dressed us. "There's just one more thing we need to complete before I can have you evermore."

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