Volume I: XXVII

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I could hear Professor Sharp clearing his throat in the hall. I hurriedly put my clothes on, and Sebastian did the same.

"Ugh. Way to ruin the fun," Sebastian said regrettably as he rolled his eyes.

Professor Sharp's voice echoed, as he questioned, "Are you two decent?"

Sebastian answered coyly, "We are two perfectly good students." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and spoke, "We are clothed. I promise." I shook my head at Sebastian.

Sharp came round the corner and peered into the cell at us. He took a large set of keys out and grabbed the one he needed. The door made a loud clank as it unlocked. It screeched as it opened up.

"Let's go. Both of you." Professor Sharp said monotonously. He gestured for us to get up off the ground.

Sebastian looked shocked. He repeated Sharp's words into a question, "Both of us?" He stood up slowly.

Professor Sharp reiterated, "Yes. Both. Unless you don't come now. Then I'll just leave you here." He smiled at Sebastian.

We followed him swiftly out of the cell. The protection spell around our perimeter vanished as we stepped through the doorway. Dread overtook my mind again.

Professor Sharp warned, "Keep your thoughts neutral for only a second." That would have been nice to know earlier. He grabbed our hands and apparated us back to Hogwarts.

Anne and Ominis were waiting in the potions classroom for us.

Professor Sharp let us know, "I have to go to the cupboard where I keep my potions. I will be back. If you leave, Sebastian, I will not have the ability to save you from Azkaban. You're still in hot water. You are only here for the trial. Do not screw up." He cautioned. Professor Sharp locked eyes with Sebastian as he set his wand down. He walked swiftly out of the classroom.

I pushed past Sebastian, as I ran up to Ominis. Merlin's beard I missed every part of him. My mind felt clear as I was embraced in his arms. We fell back slightly from my enthusiasm. His scent of lemongrass and lavender engulfed me. Lemongrass and lavender... It seemed so familiar in my mind.

Ominis stepped back as he said, "You smell like..."

He turned toward Sebastian, his eyes burning against him. He was teeming with rage, "What did you do?"

I had never seen Ominis so infuriated.

Sebastian looked cool and collected, almost pleased with himself as he retorted, "Nothing. I let her have her way with me." He smirked.

Ominis picked up a stool and threw it across the room. Glass shattered against the open armoires and bookcases. "I swear by Merlin's name, Sebastian. You tell me what really happened, or it will be you next." Ominis walked over to stand in front of Sebastian.

Sebastian swallowed loudly and grabbed Sharp's wand for defense. He looked frightened as he said, "She and I made love." Ominis placed his wand to Sebastian's throat.

"That's all I needed to hear," Ominis pulled his wand back and cast directly at Sebastian. He fell to the ground along with a table. It barely scratched him as it ended up partially on top of him.

Ominis brought his wand in direct line of the table and yelled, "Incendio!" Sebastian just escaped out from underneath the rubble.

He brought his wand up and threw some casts at Ominis. The casts backfired as Ominis had a small thin sphere protecting him.

Ominis marched in Sebastian's direction and said, "You ruin everything. It is in this moment now that I have made my decision. You will die by my hand." He brought his wand backward toward his cheek, but Anne grabbed his wand from him.

"Stop!" She cried. "I did this. It was me. I stole some of Sharp's Amortentia from his cupboard, which is probably why he went down to check his stores." She sniffed as tears streamed down her face.

She turned to Ominis and said, "I don't understand why you won't choose me, Omi. I thought that if they were together, then you would just get over her. You would finally let me love you the way you deserve." Her bottom lip quivered as she turned toward me.

"You. You ruined this!" Anne seethed at me.

Sebastian's voice overpowered the room, "Anne? You decided to use Amortentia without my or her knowledge?" He hesitated before he whispered, "You're a monster." His eyes were wide as he stared at her in what seemed to be disbelief.

Both Sebastian and Ominis were now headed for Anne. She chose her move carefully as she cried, "Imperio!" And aimed her wand directly at me.

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