Volume I: XL

639 20 7

Ominis' face hovered above mine. His stance seemed protective out of adoration. The broadness of his shoulders prevented me from looking around The Undercroft. I felt his hand trace my cheek more than once. The skin burned slightly; it felt tender against his fingertips.

My face scrunched while I winced. Ominis quickly moved his hand over to the side of my neck. He was caressing me gently, but something seemed wrong. Apologies poured out of him like rainfall in dreary weather. His voice was tense as he kept murmuring over me.

My skin absorbed the persisting tears that escaped him. I placed my hands to my side and slowly propped myself onto my elbows.

Ominis retreated just enough that I noticed Sebastian behind him. I could only see the back of his robe since he had decided not to face us.

Did I hurt someone? I hadn't remembered a duel occurring. I didn't even know if I had recollection of the moment before I ended up on the floor. I furrowed my brows together as if that were going to help me remember more.

I embraced someone. I could recall scents of sage, leather, and cedar as my face pressed into his cloak. His cheek was warm against the top of my head as I nuzzled into him.


But the moment lasted a split second before I felt a ripping sensation on my cheekbone. The smell was rancid, and I remembered I endured severe pain. I supposed that was what made me faint.

While my head was lowered trying to recollect my thoughts, I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see that Sebastian had been staring at me for more than a moment. His eyes burned intensely into mine, as if he were waiting for me to say something.

He leisurely approached me, his eyes locked on Ominis the entire time. Once he made his way beside me, he knelt down. I hadn't noticed his tears until now.

Two trails of tears on either side of his face were constant. The streams continued as he said, "I promise you. I'm ready. Obliviate me. Do whatever you need to do to be able to live the life that you want, my love." Sebastian's voice was strained. He held his wrists out at me, as if he were surrendering.

I turned back to Ominis, "I will be ready once I recuperate. Would the two of you be able to fill me in as to why my face aches?" I brought my hand to the warm area and felt the raised line. I gasped at the fact there was a scar.

Ominis' eyes widened and his mouth gaped. "I-I can explain. I meant to cast at Sebastian. I was highly emotional and my wand faltered." He swallowed loudly and drew in a sharp breath before he whispered, "I had no idea that you would run to his arms—"

My voice was weak, but they both needed to be aware, "Ominis. We were going to Obliviate his memories. It was my one wish to say goodbye to Sebastian before he had forgotten all of me." My fingers kept brushing against my cheek.

"You hadn't mentioned it," his teeth smashed together loudly before he relaxed. "I will take you to St. Mungo's in London to complete the scar removal process," his voice wavered before he placed his face into his hands. I could hear small muffled whimpers before he drew himself back upward.

"I will never be able to forgive myself for harming you, even if it was only by accident." Ominis' eyes glinted against the braziers. His lips pressed into a hard line while he kept wiping his face on his robe sleeve.

Sebastian piped up, "You don't deserve her." His nostrils flared while his lip curled.

Ominis audibly sighed, "For the first time, in a long time, I agree with you, Sebastian." He paced back and forth with his hands clasped over his head.

"I gave you a similar proposition before; but after today's events, I want you to choose," Ominis looked in my direction. He bit his lip before he continued, "Me or him?"

Sebastian deviously smiled. He crossed his arms against him and puffed his chest out just enough for me to notice. Ominis appeared worried. His face has been tense and twisted the entire time.

I stood up slowly. I did not need to faint again, especially in a dire moment like this. It was never going to be Sebastian. It couldn't be.

I proceeded to make my way over to Ominis. A soft smile overcame him. He embraced me gently. His hand moved up to my hair while his other wrapped around the small of my back. He grabbed a handful of my soft waves while he kissed all over my face. I giggled quietly as he continued his trail down my neck.

I pulled away to look at Sebastian. He had pivoted himself the opposite way again. I approached him silently. I tapped his shoulder and placed my hands behind my back.

He moved at a sluggish pace to turn around. His eyes were strained as he looked into mine.

I admitted, "I loved you, too, you know? You should know that. I want to give you a proper goodbye," I looked over to Ominis for approval. He closed his eyes and nodded at us.

I drew my hand out to shake on it. Sebastian took my fingertips gingerly in his and brought my hand to his lips. He took his other hand and wrapped mine in his.

"Promise?" He warily asked.

"Promise." I assured him.

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