Volume II: XLII

298 20 7

Marat's Point-of-View
Xilia's Quarters
October 1893

The antechamber was quiet while Antoinette sat across from Xilia. I had hoped this meeting would go by quickly. I promised Morganna one last game of Wizard's Chess before bed.

Xilia began speaking, her voice was that of disapproval, "I would love to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you've proven yourself to be unreliable. And promiscuous." She eyed Antoinette up and down before standing.

She whisked around and knelt beside her. Her long nails traced the markings along her arm. "You know, darling, we take blood purification seriously. Failure to complete the entire process will result in your death."

Xilia's thoughts scared me. If I reached my hand up and gripped her throat, how long would it take for her eyes to roll back? She already made me lose one son. If anything were to happen to my Ominis, I would...

I focused my attention elsewhere.

Xilia uttered contentment at Antoinette and pressed her nails against a scale on her forearm. Xilia plucked it off and held it to the girl's throat.

She screamed at the feeling of the plate being ripped off. I clenched my jaw and shut my eyes tightly to drown the sound.

Xilia's thoughts continued to be tainted like always. I could end your little sorry life right now. One small scale puncture could lead to a whole lot of blood loss.

"I'm going to ask you one time. Did you sleep with Mr. Sallow just now? I heard him down there with you and Ominis." Xilia lifted her chin high and stared down at her.

"No." Antoinette's voice was clear, stable.

Antoinette's thoughts were screaming at me, What in Merlin's name is wrong with this woman? I am in love with her son, and I have followed every single one of her rules. What possessed her to think I wasn't faithful?

Xilia shot a glare at me, and I rolled my eyes before reluctantly delving into the girl's thoughts.

I watched from her vision as Ominis traced her scales with his fingers and pressed his lips to her skin. I sifted through that memory quickly. I would do anything to forget those images. Blech.

I ended up finding the memory I needed. Sebastian had apologized and left. That was it.

I nodded at Xilia to insinuate the girl was telling the truth.

"It seems that you're in the clear this time, young lady. Perhaps I should have trusted you." She sat back down and pressed her fingers against her brows.

Xilia couldn't help but bring up the memory,

"You did what?" Xilia's voice bellowed at Kassia.

"I had decided to learn blood purification when I was in Greece, so that I could bind Aesop to our lineage. That way, he would be able to marry into the family." Kassia's voice was strong. Confident. Her eyes narrowed at Xilia while she waited for a response to her plan.

"I forbid it. You cannot marry that half-blood. He holds no status and has nothing to bring to this family. Why can't you just agree to the arranged marriage? Mercurio's cousin would be perfect for you." Xilia tried to soothe her. She rubbed her hands against Kassia's upper arms, and she pulled away.

Her voice had a tinge of disdain when she said, "Xilia. I chose him, and the process is final. We are bonded. I cannot have anyone else, or my blood will begin to eradicate itself through hemolysis. And I will die."

"What? Why would you do that, you impetuous witch?" I could feel the disappointment seeping off Xilia. She continued, her voice much quieter, "I will never allow it. Let Aesop know what my decision is, and I hope to never see him cross our path again."

Kassia's face twisted, and her eyes blinked many times to fight away  tears. But alas, they began to fall right when she turned to leave. She apparated away.

I had remembered when she left for Greece again. She stayed there for so many months, she was unrecognizable when she arrived home.

"Antoinette," her voice appeared softer this time she said her name. She looked up at her, slouching for once in her chair, "I hadn't approved of Kassia's relationship, and she despised me afterward when I rejected her half-blood mate. Our dynamic has forever changed."

"Ominis and I do not always see eye to eye," she smirked to herself. "However, I don't want to lose him to my own suspiciousness."

Xilia smoothed her hands against her dress and cleared her throat. "I will give you another chance. How does a fresh start sound?" She extended her spindly fingers toward Antoinette.

Antoinette's thoughts were humorous to me, It sounds like a ruse, but I guess I'll accept your deal, you wench.

Before she could speak, Ominis entered the chamber.

"Mother. Marat." He nodded at us both. He drew his wand, "Let her be."

Xilia's eyes widened at him, "Ominis, dear, I was just apologizing to your fiancée for my behavior. I wanted to give our relationship a second chance of sorts." Her sheepish smile looked over at me for help.

I shrugged my shoulders at her. She should have known better than to bring her into the chamber without my brother. He tended to be just as protective as the rest of this family.

"Oh," Ominis appeared confused. He faced Antoinette's direction, "Is this true?" The tip of his wand glowed a deeper maroon than normal.

"Yes, Ominis. I promise." Her voice was high-pitched.

"Good. Well, carry on." Ominis retreated but lingered in the back corner of the room, waiting for the meeting to be done.

"You've got yourself a deal." The two witches shook hands and locked their gaze on one another. They both were unwavering in their movement.

Even though they verbalized this understanding with one another, I feared for the next few days.

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