Volume I: II

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Ominis and I walked in silence. He kept the disillusionment charm steady. He was probably planning on killing me. That was why he didn't want anyone seeing us on our way there. I guess I should have prepared myself to fight.

Once we were parallel to the tapestry, I took out my wand. I mimicked the motion I'd done about a hundred times, and the black lettering swirled to form the crest. I held Ominis' hand as we walked through. It felt clammy. Was he nervous?

He finally lifted the charm and shouted, "What was he thinking?! You would have not betrayed him. What an idiot!" He paced back and forth as he grabbed a handful of his pale hair in distress.

I conjured an armchair next to my small garden to help him feel at ease. He sat down and buried his face in his hands. I had seen Ominis upset, but I had never encountered him in this state. His forehead creased as his eyebrows were permanently raised.

He looked up softly. His eyes appeared glossier than normal. He took a deep breath in and held it, and then he pursed his lips as he sighed.

Ominis brought his wand up close to his face and asked, "What is this place?"

I began to tell him how it was given to me to practice spells and house magical beasts. His ears perked up. I hesitated before I said, "It's similar to the Undercroft where you and..."

"I understand. I would like for you to show me around. It'll keep my mind off of it," Ominis ordered.

I proceeded to bring him over to the safer plants. I placed his hand in mine and ran his fingers over the Dittany and Mallowseet leaves. They shuddered under our touch. I described the Venomous Tentacula and Chomping Chinese Cabbage, so he wouldn't get his hand torn off. He wore a soft smile on his face as I brought him round the Room.

He followed me over to my potions station. I showed him how I brewed Wiggenweld and Edurus with ease. His brows inched further toward his hairline, and he seemed to hold in his smile.

"You're going to have to teach me how to brew these since Professor Sharp thinks I can see better than I can concoct potions." He said quietly while chuckling to himself.

"Before we head downstairs, I have to show you the best part." I enthused. He seemed eager to know what I was alluding to. I grabbed his hand, and he put down his wand. At least he felt safe since he only set his wand down when he was in company he could trust.

I guided him toward one of the Vivariums. He put his hands on the sides of the entrance. I instructed him to walk forward and that there was no danger. He complied.

The whooshing noise at the entrance filled our ears, and the beach started to take form. I could see Ominis sinking.

"Sand?" He asked inquisitively. "Are we really on the shore?"

I hated to break the news that we weren't on the beach, but I told him, "We are actually somewhere safer. These are Vivariums. They protect magical beasts that I save from poachers."

"Interesting. Fascinating," Ominis muttered to himself. He pulled his wand back out to feel out the room. It darted from side to side.

I put my arms on his shoulders and pushed him toward the magical beast that was most difficult to catch.

"This is the best part!" I said excitedly. I grabbed his hand and pressed it against the Graphorn's side.

"What is this beast? I've never felt anything like it." He questioned.

"It's a Graphorn. I had to defeat him in order to save him," I proudly stated.

Ominis let out a breathy, almost boyish, laugh. It was nice to see him lighten up for at least a moment.

Ominis was enthralled. I gave him a brush, and The Lord of the Shore laid down beside him. Ominis combed against the beast's skin to gain his trust. We three relaxed on the beach for what felt like hours.

I awoke to Ominis shaking me. He whispered, "Come on. Get up. You still have not shown me the rest of this place."

Half-awake, I yawned, "There's not much for you to see anyways, Ominis."

He laughed. I was never sure if he found those jokes as funny as Sebastian and I did.

Sebastian. I was worried about him.

I shook my head as if it were going to shake the thoughts away and stood up groggily. I said, "There's more Vivariums, but they're nothing special. You can visit them another time. We should go downstairs. I need to rest after today."

I led him toward the back of the room. The wall in the archway dissolved and the stairs appeared slowly, one by one, to form a stone staircase.

I narrated the room to Ominis. I knew his wand picked up on his surroundings, but I figured it would be better to hear it.

"Right in front of you is a huge Hippogriff statue, in honor of Highwing. There's the Thestral statue in the back as well. There are a few other smaller statues scattered about the room. To the left is my bookcase and a small reading area. And to the right is a sitting area with a Christmas tree in the center. Near the middle of the room toward the right side, I've created a spot for Deek, my house elf friend who manages the Room. Across from Deek's spot is a table—"

Ominis took in a sharp breath, "With four chairs. Was this for us?" He looked in my direction expecting a quick answer.

I started to feel a lump in my throat. My cheeks filled with warmth, and my eyes started to feel tender. I hesitated too long.

"Was this last seat for Anne?" Ominis asked directly.

I swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Yes. I know Sebastian wouldn't have been able to come up with a cure, but I was planning on wielding ancient magic to take away Anne's pain as Isidora once did in the past for her father," I blurted.

"You're starting to sound worse than Sebastian," Ominis rolled his eyes, "There's nothing that is going to save her. We've already sacrificed too much. They're talking about sending Sebastian to Azkaban," Ominis regrettably admitted.

I felt the color drain from my face. My feet felt as if they could float to the ceiling.

And it seemed they had.

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