Volume II: XLVII

236 19 4

Morganna's Point-of-View
The Garden
October 1893

"Are you upset that your uncle and I are getting married on your birthday, dear?" Antoinette had knelt down beside me. She appeared worried. Her hand brushed against my upper back while I pondered the idea.

"Nope! If anything, I'm elated. I get to spend my birthday with a huge celebration. It's not technically for me, but my birthday would have been much smaller." I reassured her.

I was just thankful she had stayed with us for this last month, so I could spend time with Uncle Omi and get to know the love of his life. I had been silently hoping they would just choose to stay, but I had a feeling they were leaving immediately.

She laughed at the fact I was rationalizing my own birthday, "Alright, little one. I know it's senseless to argue with you. You're just as stubborn as Ominis and Kassia." She smiled at me and stood straight up again.

"Shall we go get ready for today?" Her voice was calm when she extended her hand to me. I grabbed her palm in mine and began skipping up to the veranda.

We made our way through the glass door, and I almost ran right into Mother Xilia.

I mustered my best expression of regret, "I do apologize. I will be more careful next time." I pushed my chin into my chest and looked remorseful.

"Morganna. I do not need any issues today. Please, just stay out of the way." Her voice sounded exhausted, and she rubbed her head like she had ingested too much alcohol. When she slinked past us, she mumbled something in Parseltongue at Antoinette.

"What was that about?" I asked as we made our way upstairs.

"She just hurled an insult at me. It's nothing of importance." She winked at me, and I giggled in response. I loved that she disregarded Mother Xilia's opinion now.

I could not wait to see her dress and what Aunt Kassia had planned for today. Uncle Ominis and I had took the reigns for the engagement party, but Aunt Kassia insisted on directing her efforts to the wedding.

Aunt Kassia greeted us at the top of the landing, "I was just about to come and get you two. In here. Hurry up!" She gestured for us to approach Antoinette's quarters while her voice seemed more anxious than normal.

When I entered the room, I saw it. The dress was hanging against the window. The sunlight shone through it and illuminated all of the sparkles on the dress.

The entire body of the dress had lace detailing, and it was to cover every inch of her skin. The long sleeves and a collar that extended about halfway up the neck were fashioned to conceal her scales. There was some padding to the shoulders, so that it curved upward just slightly to give a more elegant appearance.

The skirt was shaped similarly to a trumpet, and the end of it trailed behind about a meter or so. Aunt Kassia had chosen just the right attire for her. Antoinette would be even more beautiful than she had ever appeared.

"Oh! Aunt Kassia. You've outdone yourself!" I squealed. I strolled over to the dress and stood in front of it. I had hoped someday I would have a wedding of my own.

"Morganna's right, Kass. It is perhaps the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I'm not sure I will do it justice." Antoinette scratched the back of her head and shrugged her shoulders. She bit her lip in distress.

"Oh Merlin! Don't say that, darling. Come on. I'll help you fasten it." Aunt Kassia had leviosoed the dress and hovered it over the floor.

I turned around while she changed. Aunt Kassia whispered, "Ominis had said you two most likely won't come back to the estate. Is that correct?"

"He doesn't have fond memories of this house, so no. But I had hoped Marat would let us bring Morganna and maybe Marvolo to Greece for a summer." Her tone was apprehensive. My father held no hatred for her, but Mother Xilia could not stand Antoinette.

I piped up, "I would do anything to be able to visit you, Aunt Toi." I peered around my shoulder to see Aunt Kassia fastening the last part of the neckline. She had turned her head in my direction and had the widest smile across her face.

"I wish that Uncle Ominis could see you." I bent my head down slightly after I had said it. "I'm sorry. That was rude."

She smiled at me and knelt down. Her arms extended toward me, asking for an embrace. I walked over to her and clasped my arms around her. "I'm sorry," I echoed once again.

"It's alright, Morgie. I'll let you both in on this. Ominis does have the ability to see. Through pensieves. However, only elves have the power to show him the memories. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it is the fact that their magic is extremely powerful, but he has seen me before." She pulled away and smiled at us both.

Her breathy laugh emitted from her while she said, "And Klein and Deek have been watching the bigger moments between us while we were here. They collected all of their memories into a pensieve that Ominis and I will watch back once we leave."

"That is just phenomenal." Aunt Kassia inhaled sharply at the realization.

"He is so lucky to have you, and I am most excited to have such an amazing aunt." I grabbed her hands in mine, and my eyes began watering.

"Oh no. We cannot have any tears today." Aunt Kassia's voice was strained while she drew her wand and waved it to redress both her and myself.

Our champagne outfits were rather plain, but that was the point. Aunt Toi needed to have the most stunning attire out of the wedding party.

"Klein!" I yelled with joy. The small elf appeared in front of us. He looked rather stressed, but he instantly relaxed when he saw us three.

I politely asked, "Klein. Will you take a moving picture of us?" I smiled and waited patiently as he conjured an enchanted camera from out of thin air. I stood between the two powerful women and wrapped my arms around their waists. I beamed when the camera flashed.

Klein handed me the photograph and I pressed it to my chest while it developed. "I'm going to go put this in a safe place in my quarters. I'll be back."

I skipped out of the chamber and peered down at the photograph. It replayed itself over and over. My arms stretched across them, and both Aunt Kassia and Aunt Toi bent forward to be closer to me.

Their smiles were that of perfection. In that moment, I knew I was the luckiest niece alive.

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