Volume I: XLVI*

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I turned to face Ominis. "You're sure you're okay with this proposition?" I bit my nails out of nervousness.

"If there is one thing that I am sure about, it's you," he brought himself close to me and moved his hand across the scar on my cheek. His face contorted, and his eyes glossed over.

Tears were pooling in the corners of his eyes.

"You're not allowed to feel sorry for that anymore." I commanded. Ominis sighed loudly, "If you say it, it shall be so." He grabbed my hand in his and led me up the winding staircase.

I was not even to the top of the landing before Ominis spoke. "Close your eyes," He ordered. I did as he asked, and he let go of my hand to walk further in the room. I heard his wand make a slight noise.

"Alright. Open them!" Ominis could not seem to contain his excitement.

I gasped as I stared at our redecorated bedroom. The walls had paneling that extended up toward the moulding, and there was a small skylight vaulted at the very top. The Birth of Venus was painted across the ceiling. Her face resembled mine.

The wooden furniture had gold detailing on it. Our bed now had a canopy and large, tall posts. A giant duvet and exquisite pillows were neatly splayed out on top. There were small end tables on either side. Two armoires took up space in the room, as well. And much to my liking, multiple bookshelves towered over the room.

There was a vast oriental rug centered between the furniture with pink rose petals scattered about it. Ominis stood halfway toward the bed. He was facing me.

The room appeared more spacious than before. And apparently Ominis took it upon himself to approve outfit changes. He was wearing a navy suit with a long tailcoat. Gold detailing was etched onto the cuff links and buttons. He even had on the signature white tights and buckled shoes.

I stifled a laugh and peered back up at his face. My stomach flipped itself over. I could feel my heart rising in my chest. He was breathtaking.

Ominis' pale skin and hair appeared light blue from the skylight. The moon and stars shone brightly against us. His face was soft as he looked in my direction, and I approached him slowly.

I looked down toward my own body. My breasts felt like they were in my throat due to the corset tied around my waist. The necklace Ominis had gifted me illuminated under this lighting. Beneath me, a glittery navy gown circled itself around the floor.

Ominis conjured a phonograph onto one of the end tables. John Strauss' Vienna Blood began its melody. Ominis flashed a smile with teeth. It was so rare that he were to beam.

I could see his wand was strapped to his forearm while he bowed to me, and I curtsied in return. The intro bellowed before slowing itself down.

While the music calmed, he grabbed my right hand and put it on top of his. He folded his other hand neatly around my waist as I rested my left hand on his shoulder.

I followed his lead. We spun round many times before he began to improvise.

The tempo picked up, while higher pitches would ensue. With each prompt note increase, Ominis grasped my fingers holding his and placed them on his other shoulder. He took my waist with both hands and picked me up for a twirl.

We continued this pace for some time before he stepped away. He wound his hands in between mine as he professed, "You are my creator, but I am your master."

His hands curved down my back and grabbed onto my behind. He lifted me and laid me gently on the bed. "Obey." His eyes were narrow.

I played along, "I do favor Mary Shelley, but Frankenstein seems to be a bit much." He snuck his hand underneath my back and flipped me onto my waist.

I could feel him touching the tulle and lace. His hand caressed my body gently while it felt like he was attempting to memorize every inch of me. His fingers intertwined with the ribbon on my back as he very slowly and carefully undid each rung.

When the ribbon was curled up, he removed the corset while I turned back around. I shimmied out of the multiple layers of skirts. My skin was hot from the covering.

I looked at Ominis. He was unbuttoning the last of his billowed shirt when I moved toward the end of the bed. My body leaned against one of the posts while I admired him.

"Come here," I whispered. He flung his shirt onto the rug and laid beside me. I pushed him on his back and straddled him.

Our faces were parallel, and our noses barely grazed one another. I hesitated slightly before I barely put my lips against his. I began teasing him.

My lips made a small trail from his mouth to his ear and then down his neck. When I reached his collarbone, I sucked his skin taut in my mouth. He groaned softly. I could feel him getting hard.

He put his finger underneath my chin and tilted my face toward his once more. His arms wrapped around me tightly as he passionately moved his lips against mine. I could tell he was eager. His tongue began splitting inside my mouth. I inhaled sharply in return.

Small hisses enveloped from his throat, and I could feel myself getting wet.

He hitched me up further, so that his face was between my breasts. He lowered me onto him. It felt as if there were a line of heat beginning at my nipple and tracing downward. The warmth between my legs intensified as he sucked on my breast. I whimpered into one of the pillows. I couldn't help myself.

I pulled away to pleasure him. I kissed down the middle of his stomach and hesitated right before his cock. I sat on my heels in between his legs. I took my hands and caressed his inner thighs gently. His body contracted, and he moaned from the slightest touch.

My hand encircled him. Ominis grabbed my wrist. "Wait. I want to satisfy you as we are one." He gestured for me to move up toward him.

I kept my face hovering over his cock as I let myself relax onto his face. His tongue stroked me immediately. I moaned and took a staggered breath in. I felt myself pull away from the shock. Ominis grabbed the top of my ass and shoved me back downward.

I tried to focus my attention elsewhere to distract myself from how consuming he was. I grasped his cock and circled the tip lightly with my tongue.

Ominis groaned into my pussy. I could feel myself tensing around his tongue. Unwarranted moans escaped me. He took his hands to my hips and rocked me back and forth against him. I couldn't take it any longer. My whimpers turned into screams.

I pulled away and moved myself forward.

I wanted to fuck him.

I guided him inside me. I ached for him, but I couldn't rush. I tempted him by moving as slow as I could manage. I only made slight movements as I grinded myself against him.

I put my hands behind me and laid my back against his chest. His groans shuddered into my hair as he thrust into me. The angle was pushing against my clit, and I had to move or I knew that he would climax too quickly from the noises slipping from my lips.

I recentered myself and began creating a rhythm. I took note of when his voice or body reacted and kept them in the back of my mind. Each time he went silent, I would revert back to those movements.

I teased him as much as I could before I increased my depth and pace. "Obey," I repeated the quote to him as I turned over my shoulder to watch him. I would never get tired of his orgasms.

Ominis reached for my waist, and I fell back softly into him. The fluid seeped around me as he whimpered against my neck. His voice was rough as he cursed, "Fuck." It was long and drawn out. His body tightened and flexed under me.

I sat up carefully and laid beside him. Our naked bodies intertwined underneath the covers as we fell asleep in each others' arms.

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