Volume I: XXXIII

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"What about a memory charm?" I asked. I turned to Ominis as we laid in our bed.

I could hear his teeth clacking together while he pondered it. "No. They're too dangerous," he decided.

My brows furrowed. I could not believe he was willing to defend Sebastian's actions. We had done riskier things before. I asked, "What if we traveled to someone well-versed in them?"

Ominis laid on his side and faced me. He questioned, "Do you think it would be my right to rob Sebastian's mind of you?"

He sighed as he admitted, "He has dated and been with many women, but he has never felt the way he does about you with them. I think you may have been his first real love. I know that I would never be the same if you had not loved me." Ominis' face looked toward the dark ceiling.

"Hm," I hummed to myself. "But put yourself in his shoes. Would you want to watch me fall in love with Sebastian more and more everyday?"

Ominis did not respond.

"If you won't at least ask him, I will." I flipped over to face the  other way. Ominis put his hand on my waist. I moved slightly forward to evade his grasp.

I swung my legs down and pushed myself off of the bed. The wood floor and stairs creaked underneath me as I made my way up to Sebastian's room.

The room was extremely dark, but I could make out the shapes of the furniture. It seemed he had already done some redecorating. He added a desk and an armoire on one end of the room, and the other had a trunk and a spell practice dummy. At the far end of the room was his bed.

Sebastian was covered completely by billowy green pillows and blankets. A soft snore escaped him as he slept peacefully. I sat at the edge of the bed and watched him for a few moments.

My hand reached to touch his leg as I called, "Sebastian? Seb? Wake up?" He turned to his other side and moaned groggily to himself.

I kept shaking his leg, "Come on. Please, wake up." I stood up from my spot and went and laid beside him. I pushed his hair back and whispered, "Sebby. It's me. I need you to wake up."

His brown eyes opened at a sluggish pace until he saw me. Sebastian's eyes widened as he asked, "What are you doing in my bed? Did we have sex?" He smiled softly at me.

Of course that's his first question. I laughed and gave him an answer he didn't want to hear, "No, but I need to ask you something."

Sebastian's voice was dazed as he tried to charm me, "I'll give you any answer you want as long as you stay in bed with me." His eyes met mine, and he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. It seemed to be the only facial expression I wanted to show him anymore.

"Alright. How would you feel if I performed Obliviate on you? Just to remove the intimate memories of us?" I asked innocently.

Sebastian was wide awake at this moment. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. "Why in Merlin's name would you think I want that?" He appeared offended as he scratched his head.

I looked at him, my eyes searching his, "Because it's what I want."

I hesitated before I continued, "I need you to forget about us. There is not a chance that it will happen again. I have chosen Ominis, and I am happy. I would very much prefer if you would just respect that—and us."

"But you would remember?" He asked quietly, even though he knew the answer.

"Yes. Unless you would request that I have it done to me as well." I said. Maybe bartering worked better with him. The memories were just that to me. Memories. The past that did not need to be brought up again.

I could see him flickering his eyes back and forth as if he were contemplating the options in his head.

"Let me sleep on it," he whispered, "You know, you could also sleep on me?" He laughed to himself when I left his bed.

I put my hands on my hips and looked at him before I headed back to my own bed, "Fine. We will talk tomorrow."

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