Volume II: LIV

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I couldn't believe the two of them. Why in Merlin's name would they think it was appropriate to legitimately burst into a fight in the corridor?

I attempted to get my mind off of it.

"I would like to dance one more time before the night settles." The whistling coming from my throat quickly shifted to snake language.

Ominis relinquished his grasp from my waist and wound our fingers together. He drew me closer to him and hissed in my ear, "I find it difficult to tell you no when you speak to me like that." He brought his lips across my cheek and pushed them against my mouth.

He settled his hands in a neutral waltz position and pulled me around the room. His face appeared concentrated while he matched his pace to the rhythm of the music.

If I was honest with myself, I had wanted the event to be over with fairly quickly. All I desired was to have Ominis alone, without any interruptions.

He had looked even more dapper than usual in his sleek, new tuxedo. His hair had fallen in front of his face from the previous interaction, so I attempted to fix it by combing my hands through his hair.

"Don't let go," he argued and replaced my hand back to his shoulder while we spun around the foyer.

When the melody waned into the next, Kassia interrupted.

"I would love it if you two cut the cake right about now. I need something to distract myself from Xilia's gaze." She kept running her fingers in her hair and picking at her nails.

I grabbed ahold of her hands to stop her from mutilating them, and we followed her over to the dessert table.

I actually hadn't noticed the cake, but I wasn't going to tell Kassia that. It stood four tiers tall with only boring, white buttercream frosting layered over the entire treat. There were a few edible flowers present, but that had been it.

"Xilia picked it out. It's horrendously plain, but I figured I should let her contribute to one thing." Kassia let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well, go on." Her voice encouraged me. I grabbed the knife in my hand and rested Ominis' fingers on top of mine. I sliced into the spongy base and pulled the whole piece out onto a plate.

I scooped some of the cake onto the two forks resting near the plate. I handed Ominis one and whispered, "Please don't stab me in the eye."

"I'll try my best not to." He laughed and we hooked our elbows together when we fed each other the dessert. It truly had no taste. Seemed fitting for Xilia.

I covered my mouth to chew and noticed Morganna and Klein had been standing across from us over the table. She had a camera in her hand that flashed brightly at us.

Kassia grabbed one of our shoulders on each side. Her nerves appeared to still be running high, "Alright you, two. I assumed that you're leaving as early as tonight, so I left a muggle car in the drive out front. You don't need to send me an owl because Aesop left early to prepare the house you'll be staying in."

Ominis sounded offended when he spoke, "A muggle car? Kassia. I don't believe Antoinette has driven one before."

"I figured. But you cannot apparate or use Floo powder for that kind of distance. Klein will drive you, and he also agreed to conjure the pensieve with his and Deek's memories there for you." She smiled at me. Thank Merlin she understood how much Ominis cared about the memories.

"Alright, then it's settled. We're leaving tonight." Ominis announced for us. I hadn't known if I was ready to leave just yet.

I had to say goodbye to Morganna and Kassia, and maybe even Marat. Plus, Sebastian still needed a formal apology from Ominis; but then again, he would have to explain himself first.

I circled around the table and squatted down to the floor. Morganna handed Klein the camera and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I could hear her small cries as I held her back in my palms. "I understand you have to go to start your life. I just wished I could be a part of it."

I pulled away just enough to see her face, "Morganna, dear. You will always be in my life. Even if we are miles away, I will still think of you. I promise to send you owls and to come back to visit when possible."

She nodded many times which I assumed was to attempt to console herself while her voice was tiny, "Alright, Aunt Toi." She grinned widely at me and corrected herself, "Or should I say, Mrs. Gaunt."

I wiped her tears under her eyes before she began to giggle at the fact we shared a last name. I smoothed her hair back and stood up to face Kassia.

"It's not really a goodbye. I will be back in Greece once Aesop has completed Sebastian's assignment here. He has to train for at least one more year. Usually it's a three-year program, but they need him in the field as soon as he is able." She grabbed my hands in hers and raised our arms up.

She let them drop and tucked her hands by my waist while embracing me. "I will forever be grateful you chose this family. With all of our quirks and issues." She shyly smiled at her comment, and she turned to Ominis.

Morganna had been whispering something in his ear, and she moved away once Kassia glided over to him. "You've made great decisions, but she has managed to become your best one. Don't screw it up, or I will come after you, boy." Her chin lifted itself in the air like Xilia's did normally, and she whisked herself away into the crowd.

There was one more important farewell. 

I drug Ominis over to Sebastian. He was sitting alone at one of the tables in the back. We took our seats next to him, and he looked up in our direction. His eyes were glossy, and he seemed entirely inebriated.

We spoke simultaneously, "I'm sorry." I laughed, and Sebastian pressed his lips into a hard, flat line.

"No. I do apologize for keeping that from you both. I should have had the memories Obliviated once more, but Iskra advised against it. Most likely due to the fact that it impeded on my work. I was having mind-splitting headaches that would only cease upon remembering you." Sebastian had not met my eyes. He stared directly at the candle flickering on the table.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Ominis beat me to it. "You hadn't said anything about that before."

Sebastian looked up at him, his eyes watering, "You hadn't given me the chance."

"I'm sorry for attacking you. I should have held my temper back. It was unnecessary." He reached for Sebastian's hands.

They pressed their palms together, and Ominis continued, "You are my family. A chosen brother one could say," he sighed when he said, "Which is probably why we fight so often. But I truly want the best for you and am happy you have found solace in your auror position. I want to start over. We don't need Obliviation. I just need to forgive you for being human." His eyes glazed over even more when his face was set in Sebastian's line of sight.

"I couldn't agree more, brother." Sebastian stood up and drew Ominis into an overbearing hug. I was surprised he hadn't picked him up and swung him around.

I smiled at the two. "Now that's more like it. I can live in peace now with you two finally happy with one another."

I rose up from my seat and approached Sebastian. He looked much different today, of all days. I couldn't place my finger exactly on what it was, so I let the thought dwindle.

"Come here." I gestured to him. I wrapped my arms underneath his, and I could feel his hands clasp around my back. My scales settled at my intention.

"If not me, then Ominis." He whispered in my ear. He kissed into my hair and pulled away as swiftly as he was able.

Most of the guests had already left by the time Klein had asked us to join him in the vehicle parked in the drive. All of our belongings were packed, and the only thing we needed to do now was leave.

And we did. So we could live out our happiest moments in another place.

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