Volume II: VI

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I could hear the curtains being drawn in my sleep. I turned over in my bed when the sunlight began overtaking the room. The black dress was illuminated as it hung itself over the screen.

I groaned softly. I pulled the covers back preparing for the inevitable. Tea with Xilia. I had hoped Ominis would join us. The thought of her and I alone together again sent a shiver up my spine.

The wood floor was warm beneath my feet from the sun. I put my arms out to stretch and gave my waist one last breath before preparing to wear the dreaded corset.

I shimmied out of my clothes and stood inside the dressing area. I began pulling on multiple layers. The sleeves were uncomfortable and tight on my arms, and the area under my skirt was already becoming hot.

The dress fit fine; my silhouette proved that. It appeared my body was just more muscular than they had perceived me to be. I grabbed the corset and put it to my waist. I attempted to thread the ribbon with one hand while looking in the mirror behind me.

It was a complete failure. I wondered if they had house elves to help. I stepped quietly out of my room and looked both ways. Silence filled the corridor.

I tiptoed to Ominis' room. My knuckles knocked lightly against his door, but no one answered. He had not said there were any wards on his room.

The door felt heavy when I opened it to see Sebastian looking out the window. Only a towel was wrapped around his hips. He turned around and held the side where it was clasped together.

"You had better get out of here. If anyone finds you, you will be shunned." Sebastian's eyes were open completely while wrinkles formed on his surprised face.

"I need your help fastening this. Xilia laid it out for me to wear." I whispered. I clutched at the ribbons and held them together as I walked toward him.

The skirt underneath me flowed when I twisted around. My fingers pulled my hair out of the way. "Come on, Sebastian. I know you used to do this for Anne. Please, I need your help," I spoke over my shoulder at him.

He had began weaving the ribbon through the designated slots. Each time he would thread it, he pulled excessively at the ties. I heaved with every movement.

Ominis' room was larger than mine. He had two canopied beds. I assumed one was for Sebastian when he stayed here. There were multiple chests and armoires settled against the walls. A large bookcase and piano sat in the corner of the room.

Sebastian finished the knot, and spun me around by my shoulders.

"You really are a beautiful sight. It's such a shame Ominis is never able to see the way you look." His eyes scanned me up and down before he frowned and raised one brow at me.

"Beauty lies within, Sebastian." I rolled my eyes and smiled wryly at him. There was no reason to bring up Ominis' abilities with the pensieve. That was a private matter.

I scurried back to my room as quickly as I could manage ensuring no one had seen me. I grabbed the low heels and slipped my feet inside. They would swell later. Fantastic.

I made my way down the staircase leading to the main foyer.

I searched the area for a clock. When my eyes locked on one, I noticed I only had four more minutes until she would meet me.

I rocked back and forth on my feet while I waited.

Loud footsteps trailed on the other end of the balcony, and I was surprised to see Marat descending down the stairs on the right.

His eyes challenged mine. I inhaled sharply. My breath caught from the corset, but I suffered in silence. I knew better than to show weakness.

I held my chin high as Marat extended his hand to me. Perhaps he was escorting me to tea?

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