Volume II: L

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Ominis and I stepped into the main foyer, and the only people present were the musicians in the corner. They were ensuring their instruments were in tune. The background noise had been soothing, and I truly appreciated the time alone.

"Let me see your ring," I pried. "Kassia told me that Marat had already picked it out for you, but this is the first time I get to lay my eyes on it." I grabbed Ominis palm in mine and flipped his hand over to expose the most gorgeous heirloom.

The gold band had a diamond shape to it with swirled etchings on the sides. The stone in the middle appeared to be a deep amber, but in different lighting it seemed a black hue. There was some sort of geometric sign engraved on the center piece.

"I think it's marvelous, Ominis." I rubbed my fingers against the tops of his hands and pulled them around my waist. I leaned slightly forward and pressed my lips directly over his scarred neck.

"Come on, love," Ominis stepped away, "We'll have so much time for that after the reception. I do not necessarily want this kind of wizardfolk watching us." His lips curled to one side as he brought me to the middle of the room.

The guests had filtered in rather quickly, and once I had turned around, I noticed the entire room had been transformed just how it Kassia described it.

I watched her finally let go of Aesop when she approached the two of us. "Ominis. Did you practice your first dance with Antoinette after the last purification session?" My brows scrunched at her question. We weren't dancing in his chamber, necessarily.

I laughed out loud before Kassia scolded, "Ominis. You had said you would memorize the steps and teach her since this music has not even been released yet." She scoffed and walked over to the phonograph and began playing the theme from the new upcoming ballet, Swan Lake.

Ominis smirked at me. I could not believe he found the situation humorous. The notes emitting from the record player rose and fell while Ominis moved closer in my direction.

He lifted his forearm straight in the air while his bicep was parallel to the floor. His hand curved just slightly, and I mimicked the movement. Our arms crossed as we promenaded in a circle only a few times.

Ominis stepped backwards and bowed; I curtsied in return when the music quieted down. I had hoped he knew the steps, or we were about to make fools of ourselves in front of the entire wedding party.

The score grew louder and more serious when Ominis pulled me around the room. He ended up dipping me enough times that I was finally not apprehensive about the choreography.

Once the tempo had picked itself back up, he kept spinning me around like a top while the crowd stared. Xilia's gaze had always been the most judgmental, so I attempted to ignore her and focus on Kassia and Morganna, instead.

The musicians in the corner of the room picked up their pace, and Ominis grabbed under my hips and picked me up into the air. I clenched my stomach to look more graceful. When he brought me back to the floor, the music died down.

He stood in front of me, caressing my face with his hands. His eyes were watering from his touch against my skin, and the music flowed into the next waltz.

Many people clapped and then joined in to dance. Ominis and I stood dead center in the room.

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