Volume II: LIII

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Ominis' Point-of-View
The Veranda
October 1893

"Ominis," Marat called my name. I had only left the main foyer for just a breath.

"It's Sebastian." His voice was gruff and exasperated when he walked closer in my direction.

"What about him?" I seethed. A wave of fear washed over me when I realized I should not have left the reception.

Marat's voice lowered a few octaves, "Iskra told me that he remembered. Everything. Even her."

I pushed past him and reentered the scene. I drew my wand to give me a better feeling for my surroundings.

Then, I recognized her faint voice. She had been laughing. With Sebastian.

I marched toward them and interrupted whatever conversation they had been entertaining, "Sebastian. I need to talk to you. In private."

"But we hadn't finished our waltz." He complained. His voice had a tinge of annoyance to it, and in this moment, I was fed up with his antics.

"I. Don't. Care." My voice was like fire spitting between my teeth.

I grabbed ahold of his wrist and drug him into one of the corridors off the side of the foyer. I concealed us with the disillusionment charm, so that no one would come lurking.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I pushed him against the wall, and he let out a pained groan.

"What are you talking about?" He truly sounded convincing.

I gripped his blazer in my fingers and put my wand to his throat.  The wood pressed further into his skin as my anger ensued. "Your memories had returned to you, and you chose not to say anything. Why?"

I waited for his response, but he said nothing. "I am a lot of things, Sebastian. But I am still a Gaunt. Don't make me kill you." The end of my wand began emitting fire, and I could feel Sebastian flinch under my touch.


Her voice was so clear when it pleaded. Antoinette approached me, and she put her hand against my back.

"Please. Don't." She whispered. I could hear small cries coming from her while she stood there, waiting for me to release my hold on Sebastian.

"Fine," my tongue split to say, "Only because you asked me to."

She had hissed back in frustration.

Sebastian immediately questioned the interaction, "Since when had you spoken Parseltongue?"

"Since Ominis and I bonded through his blood." She was sincere in her words. She still held some regard for me even though I was unearthly close to killing her previous lover.

I undid the concealment charm, and Iskra's voice grew louder when she turned around the corner.

"Sebastian? Are you alright? What is that blotchiness on your neck from? It better had not be a love bite." Her voice was immensely strained and high-pitched. Her composure broke, and she seemed more frazzled than she had ever been.

"No. It's just a burn mark from my wand." I smiled softly.

I should have just left him alone, but it didn't matter. He needed to be put in his place. Punished.

"Can you keep him under control for more than a few minutes, dear? It'd be much appreciated." My voice was condescending as I grabbed Antoinette's arm and grazed past her and Sebastian.

When we strolled back into the main foyer, Antoinette acknowledged it. "So, I gather now that he remembers me. But how? That charm was so powerful combined with my ancient magic." Her tone was that of confusion, and she leaned her body into mine for comfort.

"I have a strong feeling about that.  My theory for now is that he is a natural occlumens and doesn't have a clue about it. Occlumency can prevent memory charms from permanently altering one's mind. Thus, he remembers." I pressed my lips into a thin line and sighed heavily at the thought.

It was not that she would go back to him. The issue was that if this were to continue, I could not keep Sebastian in my life. Greece would be good for us. For a little while, at least.

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